50 Stock Experts from BNN Market Call to Follow on Twitter

If you are a Twitter user, don’t miss any new Stock Opinion from the experts by following Stockchase.
About 50 Stock Experts that you can see and hear on TV on BNNBloomberg’s Market Call show have a Twitter account. Here’s a quick list that will make it easier for you to find the Stock Experts on Twitter.
For sure you can find Stockchase and Market Call on Twitter. You should follow those accounts first! Once you follow us, have a look at the list below and follow your favorite experts.
Our list give you a link to the expert’s Stockchase profile page in addition to a link to their Twitter profile page. The Stockchase expert profile pages will soon feature each expert’s Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin account links but for the time being, you can find it here.
Let’s start with the currently active experts…

Brooke Thackray @BrookeThachray

Josef Schachter @JosefSchachter

Kash J.Pashootan. @KashPashootan

Jason del Vicario @jasondelvicario

Lorne Steinberg @SteinbergWealth

Barry Schwartz @BarrySchwartzBW

Bruce Campbell @campbellleeross

John Stephenson @StephensonFiles

The following experts have not been active on BNN Market Call in a while but are still active on Twitter…

Michael Underhill @M_D_Underhill

Bill Carrigan @investmentsheep

Steven Conville @StevenConville

Paul Thornton @ThorntonTrading

Vincent Catalano @vinnycatalano

Ian R.Campbell @bus_transition

Jonathan Baird @JonathanBaird88

Jonathan Wellum @JonathanWellum

Jim O´Shaughnessy @jposhaughnessy

Liz Ann Sonders @LizAnnSonders

Satya Pradhuman @SatyaPradhuman