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Stock Opinions by Steven Conville

A little weary of where we are. Globally we are at our near term highs. Except in Canada where gold might go a little higher. You need to pare back those ears of the portfolio that have grown out of proportion. The economy really needs support in the US. He has been taking some profits.
Likes it. At these levels it is not overvalued. This was one of those companies that didn’t get caught up in the massive run-up since ‘09. You now have higher oil prices and opportunity for oil companies to start to churn out profits.
Long term, you wont be disappointed in this investment. If you are over-weight, you should pare back. This is not a value pick, but a high performance bet.
Dividend is safe. If the price of oil stays at these levels or climbs, you will be rewarded. If not you could be miserable for 6-12 months. The oil sands are here to stay.
This is an economically sensitive stock. If the war spending dries up and if airlines fall on harder times, you will see rapid retracement on the value of the stock. If the 787 comes and impresses, you could be very happy.
Well run with sound management. They consistently reward their investors. Hold onto a small position for the dividend.
Yield is excellent, good company. Had a good run over the last 3 months.
In this economy and market, this is a defensive company. You can’t go wrong here.
Suggests a stop loss if it continues to run.
(Market Call Minute) Had some problems and now realize they are not invincible.
(Market Call Minute) Doesn’t understand how this company operates. If you made money run for the hills.
(Market Call Minute) Infrastructure has been his theme for the last few years. It is a good long-term hold.
He is looking to take the leveraged play out for the investor. He wants people to make money if gold continues to go higher. If gold dropped, mid tier stocks would get hammered. It’s a defensive gold selection.
The big fear of Wal-Mart coming has now gone. Weston has their supply chain in a position where they can compete. They can grow their earnings in 2011 even if the economy is weak.
Income theme. The fuel and energy and power services that they provide will continue to make them money even if there is a slowdown in the economy. The dividend would continue to reward investors in the future.
Showing 1 to 15 of 173 entries