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Stock Opinions by Duncan Stewart

Governments will be spending a lot of money on infrastructure. Single biggest problem with global infrastructure is electrical grids. Most technology used in substations and across transmission and distribution, dates from the 1940's. This company makes high-end networking gear. They have 60% market share.
Top Short Losing market share. New products coming out and the rumour is that they are terrible. Losing money and has debt. Could be in chapter 11 a year from now.
Doesn't like semiconductors or the PC business but feels they are going to continue picking up share from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD-N). Have 45 nm process architecture. Able to supply 25 to 50 million new chips for the new netbooks.
(A Top Pick Apr 25/08. Up 55%.) Specialize in power converters that get electricity onto the electrical grid from green power applications. Wound down all of his funds at the end of October.
Preferred A's. (A Top Pick Apr 25/08. Down 10%.) Now that they have sold their bakery division, it is not known what the company is going to do. Yields about 8.6%.
(A Top Pick Apr 25/08. Down 9%.) The challenge is that so much of their revenue comes from the financial services, which is the deeply contracting industry. The legal side is really hanging in there.
Solar is in a bit of an eclipse. Across the board in the solar sector there are capacity cuts and supply cuts and companies are downgrading guidance. Solar will be massively in overcapacity in 2009 based on fundamentals. This company has some new interesting technology but it is not ready yet. A wildcard is what governments do.
Great company with good technology. However, the business of providing connectivity to wireless networks is a terrible business to be in. A lot of competition. Thinks 2009 will be a tough year for them.
Not time to buy semiconductor space yet. The memory sector, which this company is in, is a terrible sector. This company lost $700 million out of $1.4 billion in revenues last quarter. Balance sheet is stretched.
Has technology allowing conversion of a diesel engine to natural gas. Not only an economic benefit but also an environmental benefit. At these prices, it is a steal.
Likes management and at this price it is a completely reasonable investment. However, they are going to have to spend money in order to make money so the next year or two is going to be rocky.
Have a vertical wind turbine, which has some advantages, but is still new. Doesn't think 2009 is going to be a good year for alternative energy companies unless there is a lot of help from the US government.
Not wild about wind or solar but the one exception is this company. They make thin-fill solar that economically works without a lot of help from the government. Well-capitalized and have cash. If he had to pick one solar company it would be this.
Would probably be one of the global carriers that he would look at. A solid company. Enough different fingers in enough different pies that it could be considered a core holding in the telecom space.
Make networking gear called “Deep Packet Inspection” and the US government declared it illegal to use on a network. This is now being worked out. Their technology is world beating. Not only used by cable ISPs but phone ISPs are starting to use it and the new hot market is the wireless ISPs. Has cash. Well run company. Good investment for 2%-3% of your portfolio.
Showing 1 to 15 of 189 entries