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Stock Opinions by Ben Rogoff

Every time they sell and ipod, they get $1 for ipod and $3 for accessories. Has a new driver that allows Mac’s to run on Windows. Not a big believer in it. It might encourage some non-Apple users to try it. He has been taking profits.
A great company. This is a name that you have to hold. The story on this is all about 3-D adoption. Try to buy on any pullback.
Superior product to all competitors. From a “P/E to Growth”, things are looking pretty attractive.
One of the highest quality companies. Likes the space. Pulling back a little bit which is a reflection of what is going on in the semiconductor space. Semiconductor inventories have been ticking up which is spooking the market. This company has wide exposure to many areas. A core holding.
Exposed to 2 key end markets, hard drives, an area that he doesn't really like and LEDs which he thinks ultimately you're going to see solid-state lighting begin to rear its head in 2007/2008. They provide the equipment for manufacturing LED lighting. A buy and hold story.
Almost a proxy for all the good/bad stuff that happened in the last bubble. Made a very interesting acquisition when they took over Acterna. Set them up very nicely. Pretty well positioned and ultimately, if the backbone is going to be upgraded, this company is absolutely in there. Will probably be a good investment to have over the next few years.
Have a good family of products that is more efficient then that of Intel. The name to hold in the PC microprocessor space.
Have tended to stay clear of this name. A frustrating situation. They have a wonderful business but there is a lot of exposure to legacy and markets where they don't want to have exposure to. Have been losing market share.
A classic example of a next-generation winner where the numbers are still wrong. Last quarter showed a very heavy upside. The caveat is the funny ownership structure and they don't like talking much as he would like.
Playing perfectly into the broadband penetration theme. They allow companies to deliver software remotely over the Internet. They make software for sales forces. They have a new product AppExchange which is a Trojan horse. It will become an infrastructure layer. Stock is not cheap, but the company is hypergrowth.
Very excited about solar power. This company’s core business is not very interesting but they have a solar sector that is very interesting. When you buy this stock, you're getting the non-interesting part for free.
Likes the company and its management team. Have some interesting technology. TheWiMAX technology seems to get pushed back in terms of the adoption point. With stay away from it for now.
You could have a position in this but wouldn't include it in your top 10. Last generation by nature. Has no fears on the earnings front. It will generate above market returns but not the returns he's looking for over the next five years.
Have some excellent next-generation stuff but have an awful lot of legacy stuff the legacy stuff is not coming back.
A little nervous about the semiconductor cycle. This company seems to be getting its act together. Have done some restructuring. Not exposed to the themes that he is really fond of at this time.
Showing 1 to 15 of 17 entries