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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
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Stock Opinions by Keith Richards

Markets as we start July.

Seasonality matters. In his recent newsletter, he contrasted two reasons why the market might go up, and two reasons why it might go down.

July is OK seasonally, and momentum is still with the market. However, some of the underlying indicators are kind of weak. Like Kevin O'Leary wearing a suit blazer with pyjama bottoms, the market looks good up top, but not so good when you look below the surface.

Canadian market has more positive breadth than US?

He read a statistic that about 3-4% of the S&P 500 is making new highs on the year, versus the percentage of the TSX that's significantly higher. Both have kind of crummy breadth, but especially the S&P 500.

What does the second half of 2024 look like?

There's always a bit of pumping coming into an election, where they promise the world. That can have an effect on the markets. Typically, election years often see positives in the back half of the year.

But he has a problem with market breadth and overbought status (how much above the 200-day MA the S&P is). He likes the indexes that are a little less technology focused.

Portfolio focus.

He likes the indexes that are a little less technology focused, and he's 98% not tech in his equity platform. And yes, he might underperform for a while, and this will continue as long as it's all about MSFT and NVDA. He doesn't like the market from a momentum point of view, it's overbought, but you can't argue with it too much so you have to be invested.

What's going to bring everybody away from tech to the other side of the ship?

He's compared the breadth stats between now and 2000-2001, and the two market participation numbers are at about the same level. The usual suspects were moving up, and nothing else was. We're in the same sort of situation. Everyone knows what happened, it imploded.

He's not saying it will implode tomorrow. But the setup is perfect, it's going to happen, unless things slow down for that handful of leading stocks.

Why do the leaders have to slow down, why can't the rest of the market just catch up, especially since AI is supposed to benefit "everybody"?

It very well could happen. Right now, though, the focus is so much on those stocks. Everybody's aware that they're overbought, yet everyone's still buying them partially because of FOMO. When that changes, the other stocks will catch up, which is why he's in non-tech stocks. The change will happen eventually, so it's safer to be there now, even if he suffers a few months of underperformance.

Eli Lilly & Co.
For a 3-5 year hold.

In an uptrend, higher highs and higher lows. Ideal time to buy or add is when there's a bit of a pullback and stock hits the trendline. Hard to predict 3-5 years for anything these days, but if the trend is up, stay with it.

biotechnology / pharmaceutical
Does the "trendline" follow the 200-day or 100-day MA?

No. Draw it so that it touches the troughs. It's sort of a median line. If the stock hits that, it's probably a buying opportunity.

Baytex Energy Corp

Oils have been trading sideways. Stock's close to midway between one of its trading ranges. Stuck in limbo for next few months. Not great during summer seasonality. OK on dips, but don't expect much for a few months.

See his (really good;) blog on oils, being published tomorrow.

oil / gas
A Comment -- General Comments From an Expert

Seasonally, not great over the summer. Coming into an election, incumbent will try to keep prices low, so that inflation and gas prices don't look so bad, and electorate will like them. They've done it before. He's lightened up, but still holding, expects these stocks to tread water for a while.

See his (really good;) blog on oils, being published tomorrow.

Technical analysis aside, doesn't this election cycle feel different as the competency of the incumbent is being questioned?

Absolutely. But remember that it's just like any government, where there are people behind the leaders that do all the thinking. The leader at the top is really just the talking head. 


Just starting to break out, you can see it on the 5-year chart. Whenever you see a breakout, that's good news. Pretty decent-looking chart. If looking for entry points, perhaps buy on a pullback to the neckline around 50-ish dollars. As long as the breakout holds, anywhere near that $50 point is a great buy point.

Before you get too many legs in, maybe wait till it goes to $53, and then pulls back a buck or two.

Longtime CEO stepping down, stock pulled back this morning.

This is a new development so pay attention; could be good, could be bad. Reached resistance around $200. He'd wait and see whether it breaks out. Hold for now, but if it continues to break down, he'd be out.

Financial Services
Cargojet Inc

Good company, but trades aggressively. Right now, chart looks pretty bullish. If it gets through its old resistance level of around $140 from 2022, it will have other levels to try to break through.

Transportation & Environmental Services
Do you put much stock in a stock's trading volume?

Yes. Volume counts, but especially on up days. One of his favourite indicators is money flow. It compares positive volume days with negative volume days, and assigns a significance to the bigger volume in that move. The MFI is a momentum indicator, so you can see if there's money building in a stock.

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