CEO and Chief Investment Officer at U.S. Global Investors
Member since: Nov '16 · 23 Opinions
It is a royalty company with very high revenue per person. It is a way to play the resource sector with a lot more leverage to the upside. They provide a very stable cash flow.
It is a very well run company. The better real estate play has been Canadian companies investing in US real estate. It will benefit from the money Trump is throwing at the US economy.
US Banks are enjoying a spread that is widening. The banks are going to make more money. Deregulation gives a fantastic stock market boom.
Silver Long Term. It correlates with the price of gold. It goes up more and corrects more than gold. What is attractive is how it is used in solar panels. He thinks it will continue to be a unique class.
They came out with some news that knocked it down. It is an incredible company for health care reform. Short term it is pain, but he thinks it will come back.
Any change in healthcare will only benefit them. This and CVS-N are two great companies.
Copper. It was taking it on the chin until recently. This infrastructure build out will need copper for wire. It is a key. There is possibly a correction coming because it had such a surge. There is a big headwind in terms of the supply of copper.
BAC-N vs. WFC-N. There will be a bit of a push back on regulations by the industry. The big banks will only benefit from all that. Both banks will rebound. Warren Buffet is not a seller of his WFC-N. Short term BAC-N would be his favourite and WFC-N would be his favourite next year if there is no other negative news item.
BAC-N vs. WFC-N. There will be a bit of a push back on regulations by the industry. The big banks will only benefit from all that. Both banks will rebound. Warren Buffet is not a seller of his WFC-N. Short term BAC-N would be his favourite and WFC-N would be his favourite next year if there is no other negative news item.
It is part of the industrial sector that has had a good run and should do well under a Trump administration. You should buy it on any modest correction. He is very bullish on this industry.
One of those companies that will benefit from the financial sector’s push back on the regulatory pressure. They have the highest revenue per employee of all the similar brokers.
He is very bullish on the reno cycle. If tariffs get slapped on imports from China it will have a negative impact on this stock.
Great speculative investment.
The whole telecom M&A trend under trump will accelerate. The consolidation is very positive. The telecom sector has been a great yield sector. Now it is high yield, but there are opportunities to look for Growth.
Markets. You have to focus on growth. One of the big industries is infrastructure. Industrials also had a big surge. A lot has to do with military and the build out of America. The financial sector is pushing back on excessive regulation. The 10 year government bond has increase dramatically in the last 10 days. Trump will drop taxation and streamline regulations in so many industries. Cash repatriated by companies can go into infrastructure.