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Stock Opinions by Veronika Hirsch

Central banks being accommodative. G20, US-China meeting, and OPEC coming up. We'll see what happens. Probably not much. Market seems to feel that any news is good news, and it's just waiting to march higher.
Global trade tensions are making the Fed cautious. If we don't solve the global trade problems, this is the optimal scenario, because we won't need to raise rates. As long as they're negotiating, that's good. Tensions have affected the economy, and Powell can continue to accommodate. Every negative piece of news is quickly counterracted with something positive. There's been enough negative economic news, plus stagnant inflation, to keep the Fed dovish.
Outlook for Canadian banks. If you assume we're late in the cycle, then banks are not ideal. But TD, BMO, and Royal are her favourites because they're across Canada and the US. You also have to keep an eye on credit. Doesn't subscribe to the shortsellers' views. They don't have the vulnerability they're accused of. But won't take much of a correction for people to pounce and say "I told you so".
Stock got oversold. Sales and orders slowed down, plus there was consolidation. Whole manufacturing sector not the best place to be. Great company. Perhaps priced as a growth company, rather than a cyclical. Not her favourite stock in the world, but likes it here. (Analysts’ price target is $44.00)
Great story. Have gone healthier. Bit of a slowdown in same store sales, because of the meat alternative introduction.
A lot of EM exposure, where there's more growth, but they've been under pressure. Not a huge fan of it right here today. But looking 3-4 years down the road, there's nothing wrong with it. Yield is 4.9%.
Ridiculously cheap. Tempting at these prices. Doesn't deserve the low price. Overhang is the trade wars. Plus, in a recession, it's a cyclical and would go down. Likes the company a lot, but has a hard time recommending it here just because of how late in the cycle we are.
Likes its growth by acquisition. Great operator. They've said they need to consolidate. Top line growth will be slower. Margin issues. It's a pause. If you like trading, get out and get back in later. Five years out, she'd own it. But looking 5 months out, no need to own.
(A Top Pick Feb 28/18, Up 29%) Not expensive. Benefit from G5. A good place to be. Can get re-rated, but need to show consistent growth and execute well.
(A Top Pick Feb 28/18, Down 11%) Spending money on cannabis product development, sold some lower premium brands. In transition. They could introduce something and then you'll be sorry you didn't buy earlier.

(A Top Pick Feb 28/18, Up 1%) Last couple of years there was an increase in input costs, but they didn't pass it on to customers quickly enough. They're coming out the other side of that. Margins will stabilize. Management says nothing to acquire right now at the right price, and the market was disappointed.

Investing in the gold space. Plays both the metals and the miners. You own gold because there's a fair amount of inverse correlation between equities and the actual metal. Sometimes, in a volatile market, gold is a good offset. Frequently, when there's a major correction in the equities market, gold equities correct too. Still, if gold were to break out, you get a multiplier effect of 3x on the equities.
Really tough commodity to have. Not sure why you'd want to. If you really want to own a commodity, look at iron ore or copper. You want to be in those commodities where supply is shrinking.
Consolidation story. New products, lots of acquisitions. One of their products is not doing well. Toys R Us closure has affected them. Online sales are not as profitable as bricks and mortar. The industry is in flux, so she's not jumping in.
If you're a young investor, this is the place to be. Two downgrades, and so the stock has corrected. Today is not the time to enter a new position. Don't sell it now. Second best performer on the TSX.
Showing 1 to 15 of 864 entries