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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Bruce Murray


High, but we've never seen companies as profitable as the likes of META and GOOG and MSFT. Economic productivity is being pushed by AI. He believes the growth rate for Q4 productivity in 2024 was 2.7%, so that can compensate for an awful lot.


In the industrial economy, we've made a lot of cars forever and now the population's doubled. We lost a lot of technical people and machinists during the pandemic, and now they're back and getting retrained. Airbus can't make enough planes, and Boeing has its own problems. 

So the industrial economy is still emerging. Simpler things have come on faster, with more complex things being more delayed but they're coming along.

We're going to see lower inflation and higher growth. Wages are going to go up. The depression from the pandemic and inflation will gradually dissipate, the economy will do nicely, and it will be a bit of a boom time.

Big tech will continue to lead.

Thinks they'll lead, but hoping by not as much so that the rest of the economy can pick up and go along with them. The big technology play is still in the early stages of unfolding.

Focus is on cyclicals, resource stocks, and copper.

Copper, especially, is going to be needed to fuel the electric world we're moving to and the data centres we keep hearing about. But it's tough to find things to invest in with copper.


He'd loaded up, but trimmed yesterday to bring the position back in line. Still loves the outlook for the stock, one of his major weightings. US expansion going extremely well, lots of runway. Price target in 2-3 years might be $75-85. If $75, don't buy now. If $85, could buy a bit today and average in.


Likes the energy space, so he'd be OK with buying this name. Pipelines to the West Coast have opened up. His play is through CVE.


Likes the energy space, and this name is his play. Pipelines to the West Coast have opened up. 


When a new client comes in, he buys a bit. When it gets ahead of itself, he sells a bit. A core holding. Not that expensive at 21-22x. Pressure now, as Europeans are looking at its market share. Waymo starting to get traction. Great outlook. Leg in for a great long-term play of 5 years or more.

All-time high today.

Makes all kinds of support products for AI chips, if not the chips themselves. For example, all GOOG's data centres use its technology. Totally comfortable owning it now for a 2-3 year ride. Buy high, sell higher.


A 3% position for him because of the nice dividend, sometimes a special dividend. No debt, cash is accumulating, might be considering acquisitions. Will continue to be a leader in more complicated broadcasting. Sales are lumpy. Yield is 6.4%.

Buy the S&P Index or QQQ?

He's a stock-picker, so he wouldn't buy an ETF. However, companies in either of these are the place to be for the next 10 years.

Why the selloff?

Probably pulled back because of the 10-year treasury rising. Just increased dividend, that should continue. Coming out of a long turnaround. Core holding in his income fund. At $14, he'd probably trim; at $17-18, would probably exit. Yield is 6.4%.


Greatest growth potential of any company in the drug space. Stock's well priced. Rumours of pill for weight loss instead of injection. Other drugs to target elusive cures. Nibble here, buy more if it goes down, buy more if it goes up -- a 5-10 year play.


Canada has some of the best high-grade coal for steelmaking, and this company exports it. Permits to build new mines are being held up by environmental concerns. Safe name, good dividend. Even if coal falls off, export capability is still intact. Yield is 6.8%.

For growth in a portfolio.

One of the leaders in the technology space, bringing automation into offices. Well managed. Has done extremely well, and this should continue. Fits well into the grand theme of electronics replacing humans.

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