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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Brian Acker, CA


The size of the U.S. deficit is scary. But he expects yield-curve control to be imposed on Western countries. So if rates rise above 50 basis points in, say Japan, that government will buy all the bonds to get the yield down by 50 points. The market is waiting for the switch from QT to QE. The US Fed will have to be the last resort-buyer of debt.

The Canadian energy sector

OPEC+ is down 4 million barrels/day in supply which is putting a floor on the price. But he sees a recession coming. Add to that China's output falling. So, oil prices should be lower for these reasons. He already made his money in oil, but will wait and see before returning. Macro events mean everywhere, not individual stock plays. Doesn't know where oil is going, whether higher or lower.

Gold outlook

Likes physical gold, not the stocks, gold that's already mined and smelted.

Canadian bank outlook

He's been watching this closely. His metrics show that last week that the market no longer trusts their balance sheet (the chart fell below previous support levels). Of the big five, this is the first to go into "blue".


$22.82 is his model price. He predicts SHOP will test $64.80, a stop. If it falls below that, sell. Maybe this is a trade. Doesn't sell upside.


One of the most expensive mining companies, with valuation along the lines of Google. He targets $7.68, so more downside, but would buy at that level. Will higher costs impact their next earnings report?


Pays a 8.37% dividend. He targets $39.80, 27% upside. It's seen a waterfall of decline in the past year. This will fall to $27, book value, first and that's when he will consider it.


His metrics flashed sell recently. $51.30 is his target, or 18.5% downside. In no rush to buy this or any insurance company now. Wait for cheaper shares.

Both a TOP PICK and a Past Pick: US dollar on Nov. 3, 2023

He still urges getting out of Canadian dollars and into the US dollar. Go through your broker. He expects the USD to rise. He sees deflation which he worries about. The US treasury trade has been painful. Buy USD to protect your capital during this difficult time.

(A Top Pick Nov 03/22, Down 9.3%)

Is priced in US dollars. The long bonds have been getting smoked, but the cheaper they get, they better. His return is roughly even, considering the exchange rate.

(A Top Pick Nov 03/22, Up 20.5%)

It's a hedge, used to preserve his purchasing power. Happy with the gain YOY.


Very expensive. He targets $36.43, 50% upside. But be cautious with this. It's in a down trend and we're heading to a recession. He's bearish. Consumers are struggling to pay mortgages, not buying clothes.

Sell BAM and BN to buy Brookfield Reinsurance

He's very negative and expects 17% downside. No, negative trend yet, but doesn't like the Brookfield companies. Why are there three Brookfield companies in the index? $40.85 is his target.

Upcoming merger between Rogers and Shaw? (caller was unclear)

He sees 35% downside. Earnings just barely cover their dividend. GICs pay higher returns.


Likes gold, but not silver, being leery of any industrial metal because of the high costs of mining and manufacturing. 

Showing 1 to 15 of 4,481 entries