Stock Opinions by Stephen Weiss, Founder, Short Hills Capital Partners

Citigroup Inc.

He doesn't understand why Citi is down. The CEO's plan is coming together. He's not concerned about their slightly higher expenses. They just reported a beat. 


He's starting to watch it. It's outperforming AI peers except Meta. The PE is historically high, but in line with peers.

computer software / processing
Netflix Inc.

It reports next week. You can't buy it now because there's so much momentum. Buy it when expectations exceed results. Management doesn't care about quarterly performance, but the long term. Has seen several upgrades recently. Peers have raised rates, so Netflix is actually cheaper now. He may add shares even if they miss earnings.


They're big enough to set prices, but they face government headwinds, so this is a wild card.

medical services

They've had a monster run. Nvidia would like more capacity from TSM, so TSM is in the position to raise prices. A great holding and not expensive.

electrical / electronic
ASML Holding

They report next week. They've sold out their EUV product. Their last quarter surprised him. It's a pretty good set up for them now, but it's not cheap. He's holding.

electrical / electronic

Generally, there are AI applications to come to the Mag 7 companies. Nothing new has happened to Meta in the past month that investors don't already know. That said, an analyst just raised Meta's price target, but that remains too low though reasonable at 25x PE.

NVIDIA Corporation

hit, and that's when he'll buy back. Its PE is too high now. He foresees their key AI chip being commoditized by other companies. Their shareholder day didn't do much to the stock. He took profits again to be cautious.

computer software / processing
Goldman Sachs

Is a top asset manager and investment bank. Will benefit as more IPOs happen. Same with M&As as interest rates tick down. Given these, GS is in the sweet spot. Great managers.

investment companies / funds
ASML Holding

Just announced that Taiwan Semi will spend $12 billion on their EUV machines. ASML has a huge wait list for its products, a 20-month wait.

electrical / electronic
NVIDIA Corporation

It's selling off today because those who got in during momentum and can't resist momentum any longer are selling it today. Those who come in last are the first to get out. They have no loyalty. It happened with meta after a disappointing report and sell-off; that's when he bought that. NVDA will offer the same opportunity, but the caution is that these semi stocks could weaken.

computer software / processing
Apple Inc

He bought more because he expects a huge upgrade cycle in their iPhones. He went to iStore and had to wait in a long line. People were buying iPads and store clerks said that business has been strong.

electrical / electronic

He used to own it and likes it long term. But the government requirements are shifting the risk in Medicaid and Medicare payments to doctors. If doctors spend more on a patient, then doctors must eat that loss and don't receive all the Medicare/Medicaid to cover that amount. This has hurt companies like Humana. But UNH has such a dominant position in the market and is a permanent compounder.

medical services

There aren't many ways to play India, but he likes it. There's more room to run and keep rising.

NVIDIA Corporation

He just trimmed it. His holding got too big. This stock is on steroids. He'll trim it again, because he's nervous about the risk/reward. It's his largest position. The price action has been kind of crazy. Too much of the AI boom has happened, stocks over their skies, though some stocks will grow into it, like Microsoft.

computer software / processing
Showing 1 to 15 of 306 entries