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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Jim Huang

Big rally today after the US Fed held interest rates, doing a 180 from what they talked about just a month ago. The market wanted this. Earnings are a little uncertain. The recent sell-off lowered expectations, which is good. Also, there's a global slowdown, but not a recession. Then there are the US-China trade talks. Both sides have an incentive to achieve something. They should reach some sort of agreement like a short-term solution, but the deep-seated problems will take longer to resolve. Don't panic in these markets. Make adjustments to your portfolio as needed.
They've done well in recent years by being conservative and taking little risk in some of their businesses. That's resulted in good dividends and earnings that aren't as volatile as their peers. However, their growth isn't as strong. Asian has been a bright spot for them. Overall, it's a decent company and it's safe in a volatile market, but this isn't the highest growth stock around.
The Cloud business has been strong in past years, but has slowed down a bit as late. Also, the PC market continues to decline. That said, MSFT will continue to transfer to the Cloud, but long-term they should do well. If you own this, hang tight. There could be a short-term hiccup, but you can accumulate shares for the long term.
He's recommended it before. There's been a malaise in the North American mattress space (i.e. Sears going under). They continue to do well online and will continue to grow their market share.
Great long term. Cord-cutting has been a challenge, but will be challenging Netflix with their own streaming service--that's the big bet. He likes it. Short-term there's unertainty about the Fox deal, but that should go throught.
Traditional big box stores have been challenged, and Macys has been one of the better ones in cutting costs and doing online business. But they still face challenges. Monetizing real esteate is a good way to raise money and boost returns, but Hudson's Bay proves that if the underlying business isn't strong, then this strategy won't work. This remains challenging. Be cautious here.
Solid business. They're the biggest potash supplier in the world. They've gone into retail. After a downturn in recent years, they're slowing coming out of it. There are supply issues from other suppliers, though. It's a solid name in this space. Depending on how things go with China (a big postash buyer), NTR should do well in the next few years. This is a long-term buy.
Considering the China-US trade war So far, there hasn't been a direct impact. TECK is one of the biggest suppliers of coal to China. If China is truly slowing down and the war gets worse, yes NTR will be hit. It's a good name long term, but don't be too aggressive with this now. It comes down to how the global economy fares going forward,
A controversial name after the huge WGL purchase and cutting their dividend. They should be able to manage their balance sheet in the next few years. They bought WGL for growth--and that's coming. Pays a 7% dividend. A high-risk name, but they will do okay in the long run.
It's a good time to get in now. Pays a decent dividend. They're influenced by both the oil and gas prices and interest rate moves. So, this will benefit from the rise in western Canadian oil price.
(A Top Pick Mar 26/18, Down 1%) He bottom-picked this, but LB didn't produce the upside he expected. They've had trouble cutting labour costs. But he's confident they'll resolve this and continue to digitize their branches. Pays a good dividend. You may need to sit on this longer. He reduce his shares, but still owns it.
(A Top Pick Mar 26/18, Down 4%) A lean and mean operation. He believes in it. It comes down to oil prices, which have fallen. But he expects oil to rise in the next 12-18 months and CNQ will benefit.
(A Top Pick Mar 26/18, Up 51%) They got by management changes in a rough transition, so the stock got hit. But they have innovative technology and continue to grow market share. The stock is cheap. He still likes it. (Also his Top Pick today.)
Their products works very well with the aging demographic trend. They've done well organically and by acquisition. He likes this long term and its growth prospects. They've've had a bumpy recent few quarters with rising expenses and growth issue. It's never been the cheapest stock, but you can accumulate this for the long term. He's confident they will emerge from their recent problems.
Better to buy an American airline because the U.S. currency may outweigh the cyclicality of airlines? Cyclicality is the biggest concern in airlines. They've executed their strategy well, trimming costs and bought back their loyalty program. Their valuation isn't bad. There's upside in the loyalty program. AC isn't bad in this space, but be cautious being in airlines at this point in the cycle.
Showing 1 to 15 of 1,069 entries