Stock Opinions by Jean-Francois Tardif

Distribution services for nursing homes. Generates a lot of free cash flow. Nursing homes are a growing market. Recession resistant. 13% distribution.
Canadian leader in used car parts. Also have a lot of business in the US. Recession resistant. Trades at about 10X earnings. 2% yield. All earnings are free cash flow, which they can use to make acquisitions.
Top Short iUnits S&P TSE 60 ETF. A lot of people feel that markets are at risk. By Shorting this, you are hedging against the setback that is potentially coming. This ETF has 60 stocks so you are diversified. An alternative to selling stocks.
(A Top Pick June 23/08. Down 44.2%.) Deere dealerships. Expected agriculture to not get hit with the down draft. Still bullish on agriculture. Makes more than $2 a share but earnings are expected to go down this year. Extremely cheap. Yield of 8.9%. Bullish on Western Canada. Good management.
(A Top Pick June 23/08. Down 11.68%.) Consultants to pension funds. Very recession resistant. Nice dividend.
(A Top Pick June 23/08. Down 86.74%.) Oil and gas prices went down a lot faster than he expected. Sold his holdings last fall.
Jean-Francois Tardif announced his retirement on today's Market Call. I know he will be missed by the viewers of BNN as well as by us at StockChase. We wish him the very best in his new life. Good luck Jean Francois from all of us.
This is a long-term view that the price of oil is going to go up in the future. If that comes to be true, there has to be other ways to produce electricity. Solar energy is probably one of the best ways to do this. Almost every stock in the solar industry got crushed last year because of the drop in the price of oil. If you still believe in the solar industry for the next 10 to 20 years this is one that will be producing.
Short Selling: Not an easy thing to do. There are different styles but it is hard to differentiate. Some Short by sector but he does a stock by stock. Shorts if he knows the company is specifically not doing well. Doesn't recommend Shorting for individuals, as it is too hard and too stressful and too dangerous.
Doesn't like this one. Produces 4 commodities including coal, zinc, copper and molybdenum. He is very bearish on the economy and thinks it will stay weaker way longer than people think. Therefore demand for these commodities will be weak for a year or two and the price will go down.
Natural Gas: ETFs are not an efficient way of playing ga Prices are different than today's spot. There is a price in the spring, next year and the year after so they always need to roll over those futures. Can be expensive. Stocks are already up from their lows, which reflects that gas prices are going up, which he believes but it's just a question of when. Wait for the gas stocks to come down and then buy those that have great balance sheets.
Likes companies that are resistant to recession. Also Olympics are coming and this company is in the convenience food business in Western Canada. Just that a merger and the normal dividend will be the same as what the distribution was.
Since its IPO they have bad one bad quarter after another. The only positive is that the CEO has indicated he wants to buy the company, possibly for $1.
Thinks this will become a huge mine. A lot of speculation that it could be a takeover by a major in 2009.
Gold: Bullish on gold. US is printing a lot of money and the deficit is close to 15%. Probably more next year and the year after. He is extremely bearish on the US$. Everybody should own some gold as a protection against all the global governments printing money.
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