Are buying a company from the founder of Block Buster. They have 60 million in cash and are going to go on an acquisition spree. The company is ok. Have organic growth. This was brilliant.
food services
Came on tough times over the last couple of years. It seems they are selling off all of their non-core assets at this time to pay down their debt. Is almost now relatively debt free.
food services
Major shareholder is buying more stock, which is an encouraging sign. The moment he sells, get out. Sheer speculation.
food services
This one has been a basket case. They know what they need to do, but have been reluctant to do it. There is an asset there so it won't go to zero, but there are better companies out there.
food services
One of those companies that never ceases to disappoint. Poor management.
food services
Has never owned this one. Not a favourite. Not sure that the long term earnings growth is there. A bit challenged now that they've lost the Weight Watchers brand.
food services
Not a fan. Has had a lots of warning signals. Very bad corporate governance. Lost their major product, Weight Watchers.
food services
When they did their "Cash Flow on Enterprise Value" valuation, this one went through the roof. Had about $4 million loss in earnings, but about $6 million in write-offs. All that they lost from Weight Watchers will be re-established with other products and other product lines.
food services
Need some products that will help drive their sales. Management credibilty is fairly low. Corporate governance has improved, but is still pretty poor.
food services
Would guess that there will not be a recovery for this stock.
food services
You have to be brave to buy this stock. Their earnings dropped along with the stock price. Not just Weight Watchers alone, but across their entire product line. Corporate governance problems as well.
food services
Trades at a fairly reasonable valuation at below 10 X. Suffers from a credibility issue. Continuing to acquier new assets. Longer term, they should do well. Management is moving in the right direction by getting rid of their dual share class and bringing in a more independent board.
food services
A great business and a great area. Cheap relative to its competitors. Has been a poor year for it. Might be worth a risk to put a bit of money in it to see if it cango up from here.
food services
Missed their numbers. Won't know by how much until after 5pm Jan 18. The generation of free cash flow will be much lower with the loss of their contracts. On a valuation basis, market would probably jump in at $6.
food services
Fell off the cliff when it lost the Weight Watchers contract. Not a fan of their corporate governance.
food services
Showing 1 to 15 of 136 entries

Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle(COB.A-T) Rating

Ranking : 1 out of 5

Bullish - Buy Signals / Votes : 0

Neutral - Hold Signals / Votes : 0

Bearish - Sell Signals / Votes : 0

Total Signals / Votes : 0

Stockchase rating for Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle is calculated according to the stock experts' signals. A high score means experts mostly recommend to buy the stock while a low score means experts mostly recommend to sell the stock.

Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle(COB.A-T) Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle stock symbol?

Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle is a OTC stock, trading under the symbol COB.A-T on the (). It is usually referred to as or COB.A-T

Is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle a buy or a sell?

In the last year, there was no coverage of Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle published on Stockchase.

Is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle a good investment or a top pick?

Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle was recommended as a Top Pick by on . Read the latest stock experts ratings for Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle.

Why is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle stock dropping?

Earnings reports or recent company news can cause the stock price to drop. Read stock experts’ recommendations for help on deciding if you should buy, sell or hold the stock.

Is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle worth watching?

In the last year 0 stock analysts on Stockchase covered Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle. The stock is worth watching.

What is Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle stock price?

On , Coolbrands (A) Sold to Nestle (COB.A-T) stock closed at a price of $.