The warning issued by the Company is the nail in the coffin. Long-distance calling will cease to exist. Competition in long-distance is brutal and will continue to be so.
At this level, the valuation is more reasonable. Cell phone sector is a very competitive space. Have a phenomenal balance sheet. $3 a share in cash. Look at it as a value play. Buy at $12/13 for a long-term hold.
Very well-positioned in the hand set market. We'll have a 20% hit on earnings once they expense their options. Based on this, their valuation is not as attractive as Intel's. Would be interested at $1/2 lower.
Has been an underperforming company for many years. They are now getting more products through the R&D pipeline. Margins are going up. Benefits from a weaker US dollar.
$70 billion in cash but won't give it back to shareholders. Earnings and revenue have been slowing down because of worries of lawsuits. That is now coming to an end. They are starting to rebuy infrastructure.