Stocks aren’t that expensive relative to interest rates. If rates remain stable, and if there is no inflation, then it is positive. Low interest rates in Europe will probably continue too. The US will remain flat.
A political call since it’s a political year. The only thing republicans and democratic agree on is infrastructure. A nice piece for a portfolio to give stable growth.
Still bullish on growth. They are adding stores in Lululemon. They are doing everything right. A good way to play the retail sector. (Analysts’ price target is $240.13)
(A Top Pick Dec 17/18, Up 30%) The covered call expired in July, which is why his returns were high. The stock has since plummeted with lots of challenges and changes in administration. If you did the option, then you did get the maximum amount and he got lucky.
(A Top Pick Dec 17/18, Up 3%) It’s a bond. Essentially, if you want a percentage of your portfolio in bonds, this is the way to do it. However, the interest rate has gone so low that the strike price came in.
(A Top Pick Dec 17/18, Up 43%) He sold SPY June $250 put. At the time, it was trading around 245. He hedged his bets on the downside by buying a June 230 put. This means if the S&P500 collapsed below 230, it would be put to somebody else. He took in $6/share.
He likes the Canadian banks and TD is one of the best. You could buy any of the Canadian banks. Declining interest rates has hurt the banks but the interest rates have very little downside from here.
He’s bullish on 2020. He thinks volatility will decrease. He would buy puts. They have liquid options and by having a $115 put option that expires at the end of next year. You don’t have to sell your stock, but you buy insurance.
He likes medical devices a lot. The ETF looks good with reasonable MER. Once the rhetoric from the presidential campaign subsides, it’ll probably have more smooth sailing.
He likes BoA over CitiGroup. They’re one of the leading mortgage providers and this segment will benefit them. They’ve also done a great job cleaning the house. (Analysts’ price target is $35.00)
He likes BoA over CitiGroup. They’re one of the leading mortgage providers and this segment will benefit them. They’ve also done a great job cleaning the house. (Analysts’ price target is $35.00)