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Stock Opinions by Jim Hardesty

Strategic goal is to maintain an AAA bond rating and is very critical to their overall business strategy. In non-financial areas, it is heavily engaged in global infrastructures and is doing quite well. Backlogs are quite good. Superb dividend of almost 6%. Has been unfairly associated with some lesser performing financial services companies. Should be a core in most portfolios.
Beset by a myriad of problems. Has worldwide excess capacity. A number of problems such as retirement, medical and pension benefits continue to dog him. Speculative.
Stock has been seriously affected by both the decline in the market and a strike by their mechanic workers. Clear that their backlog and the unique design of the 787 Dreamliner is going to have a very positive affect in the next several years. Excellent value.
Main customers are businesses and, so far, have been maintaining their capital outlay programs. Thinks there has been some product slippage by Hewlett-Packard (HPQ-N). The technology of the PC business is the key to success and feels they maintain a strong technological advantage to Hewlett-Packard. Needs a new technological cycle to come through. Good value at this level.
High regard for the management. Good reserves. Expansion program that if and when completed should result in a significant increase in their earnings capacity.
Has been able to build many mills next to their end customers saving transportation costs. Dividend yield of 6.5% was at 4X earnings, which is excellent valuation. Very well run company. Outlook for the US steel industry is reasonably good.
Excellent valuation with the dividend being greater than the P/E. Will be able to earn $9 per share. Dealt very well with the Russians. Method they use to produce oil in the former Soviet Union is to accelerate cash flow allowing production at maximization of cash flow. 7.5% yield. Good reserves.
Stock has a 15% intrinsic growth rate and selling at 12X earnings. Modest amount of debt and cash flow is amazing.
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