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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Robert McWhirter

Have seen many new highs in stocks in the same group. Will benefit from the trillion dollar infrastructure bill. Pays a 3.2% dividend yield. Cashflow has grown significantly to $110M. Very attractive 12.3x cashflow yield. Sales up 27%, cashflow up 124%. Earnings estimates were bumped up by 9%. (Analysts’ price target is $23.54)
Reasonable yield and sales are starting to improve. They have an interesting technical formation that is forming. 1% yield with 12% payout. 4.5% free cashflow yield. Free cashflow is at $577M. Lots of cash for acquisitions. Has seen some analyst upgrades. (Analysts’ price target is $81.38)
Seen to have levelled out and has seen some moves recently. A small speculative company. Market cap is $74M. Continues to make new highs. A pharmaceutical company with 2 advanced products in trial. Enhancing safety to treat chronic kidney disease. Has some usage for covid patiences.

(A Top Pick Sep 11/20, Up 100%) The advantage is they provide non-plastic tape and packaging materials. Amazon is a large customer. It is water-based tape. Has huge capacity and coming on-stream in time for internet sales. Will continue to benefit from online sales.


(A Top Pick Sep 11/20, Down 25%) Has extremely high amounts of gold in Australia. They bought Detour Gold in Canada which added lots of inventory. Price target of $80. Gold has come off its highs.

(A Top Pick Sep 11/20, Up 22%) A steady eddy. Will continue to do well but it is not a candidate for purchase for him. There are better opportunities for new money, but nothing wrong with this.

Lots of opportunities in the market. Believes in the small cap section in Canada, in particular. The big cap stocks have carried the headlines but small and mid-caps have now registered bottoms and the bull market has returned. JP Morgan team also reported the tides to be positive for small- mid-caps.

Certainly some storm clouds on the horizon. US unemployment numbers fell short. Number of states are still giving additional benefits. In states that have reduced benefits, people are going back to work. Select shortages in the supply change are probably temporary. Outlook remains positive in certain spaces.

Takes a 2D ultrasound image and converts it to a 3D image that can be observed by surgeons. GE has a large number of ultrasound machines in the marketplace. Has asked them to adapt VentriPoint's system to their machines. China is also interested in adding their tech to their hospitals.


Has a product installed in school buses. One of them is camera systems, security systems, as well as safety features for buses. Has an agreement with the TTC for safety.

Goes through old tailings. Their product extracts gold and mercury. Their first plant in Costa Rica is expected to move 90T per day. There is another operation in Brazil. Could product in the range of 40-44 thousand ounces of gold. Spread is around $800 per ounce. Potential 150% upside.
Part of their trial was suspended. Some of the patients had above normal liver enzymes. However, other arms are proceeding. The findings will show whether it has less liver toxicity. Have enough cash to go on for 2.5 more years.
Growth by acquisition, as a holding company, and from their community of video games. Expected to lose $.31 per share, although sales are growing. Continues to grow and a potential acquisition candidate. Near term free cashflow is less exciting.
Upside expected by analysts is $3. Should do well. It is free cashflow positive and does not yet pay a dividend. Has generated a quarter billion in free cashflow. Analysts expect 40% upside.
Have been buying aggressively. It is a covid and post-covid play. They produce a spray that is used on materials for masks. Ability to produce 25M masks per day come November. The product can be sprayed on filter material and attracts wet materials.
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