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Stock Opinions by Ben Stadelmann

Markets. It has been a wonderful start to the year and has been a tremendous quarter. Cooling off is pretty much to be expected. He is more curious about what will happen in the summer months. End of October - early November last year there was fear in the market and complacency was really pushed out of the market. That was a great time to be buying. Europe problems are no longer on the front burner. Because of complacency in the last few months, the market is not as attractive to a contrarian as it was.
There has been a pullback in oil is which is strange when people are paying so much for gasoline. This one is a great example of a stalwart, blue-chip producer. Expect they will do very well for the long-term.
Small bank in northern California that did well right through the recession and continues to do well. Yield of about 3%. $8 would be a reasonable target in 12 months.
Important thing you have to remember about insurers is that they are a bet on your overall view of the markets. If the stock market does well, as a whole, this company will do fine. But if the market goes into a real funk, insurers are going to get hit hard.
On his watch list. If he thought the market was going to go to blazes, he would be more interested. If the market had a severe set back and this company got much cheaper, he might get very interested in it. In the case of a rebound, the stocks should follow and may very well lead.
Great example of a very cyclical stock, very much tied into the economy. To get back up to a higher target, there will have to be a recovery in the housing market. A general recovery will bring the stock higher. Their margins have really improved.
Purchase a Jan/14 Call with a $10 strike price? He prefers buying the common. The problem with the options is that you are so much at the mercy of timing. You don't know what could happen next January that could set the bank back temporarily.
This company is doing beautifully. Had a tremendous year in 2011 with record revenues and very profitable. Revenue growth of over 20%. This company is past the turnaround phase and well into the ”boost” phase. He could see $10-$11 being very possible. PE is only around 12.
Seem to have a very weak corporate culture. Their ability to, not only shoot themselves in the foot, but to shoot both legs off is quite unbelievable.
(A Top Pick March 16/11. Up 110.31%.) This is the dominant carrier in New Zealand. Smart phones are producing a lot of revenue for the carriers. Have a policy that when they are making money, 90% of it goes to shareholders.
(A Top Pick March 16/11. Up 23.44%.) South Korean game maker.
Would you consider going Long one index such as the TSX and Shorting S&P 500? This is a strategy where you are betting on the difference on the fundamentals of the underlying country. Can't think of any particular scenario where this would be applicable. Doesn't think this strategy would be very useful.
A tremendous success story. They offer the middle-class people a tremendous cup of coffee without breaking the bank. This company will do fine for that reason. Presumes this will be around for a very long time.
Unpopular right now, this is odd when all the utilities are very popular. Some investors are unsure if the yield is sustainable. Had a number of power contracts that were very favourable. As the prices for natural gas went down, the stock market for power is going down. New contracts coming on are probably not going to be priced the same as the old ones. He could possibly buy this, not for tremendous potential but for some yield. 3.6% yield.
Insures mortgages. If there were a bust in Canada and foreclosure rates spiked, this would be in trouble. This is why the sentiment is somewhat against the company. Good yield and payout ratio is quite reasonable giving it a margin of safety.
Showing 1 to 15 of 271 entries