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Investor Insights

This summary was created by AI, based on 2 opinions in the last 12 months.

The expert reviews indicate that Andrew Peller's stock price has dropped due to various challenges such as slowed growth, supply chain issues, and pandemic-related impacts. However, there is optimism about potential retail distribution opportunities and financial programs that could improve the company's margins and lead to better days ahead. The company has also taken on debt for acquisitions, and its valuation is seen as massively compressed. Despite the challenges, the experts believe that the stock may have reached its bottom and could see improvements in the future.

Andrew Peller

Stores may or may not be impacted by Ontario government rolling out more retail locations. The Pellers stepped down from the board, possibly planning a bid to privatize the company but he's not really sure.

breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller

The price has dropped substantially because of slowed growth and problems like supply chain issues. However there should be more retail distribution opportunities for the wine industry. Also there may be financial programs that will help as well. Margins should improve and he feels there are better days ahead.
Editor's Note: The caller was also asking about Market Call having someone on to cover micro-caps.

breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller

Very challenging through pandemic. Hit by higher input costs. Took on debt to make acquisitions prior to pandemic. Valuation is massively compressed. Assuming this is the bottom, better days ahead. 

breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller

It was hit hard during the pandemic when restaurants were closed, but are recovering strongly. Recently, have faced higher freight and material costs. Despite those, margins are healthy. Consumers are returning to bars, restaurants and airports. He expects better results in coming quarters. 

breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
Trevor Rose’s Insights - Trevor’s most-liked answers from 5i Research. New e-commerce platform could help sales. Slower growth than expected. Debt remains high. Trades at discount to peers.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
It has been a tough market for small cap companies. Has had higher input costs and challenges with the restaurant and hospitality industry being shut down for part of the pandemic. A well managed and quality company that trades cheaply. It will take a while for margins to improve so could sell for a tax loss and buy back later.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
Trevor Rose’s Insights - Trevor’s most-liked answers from 5i Research. Expanding product offering to other spirits. E-commerce helped increase sales. Regulatory and taxation risks. Valuation reflects slower earnings growth.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
Very well managed, high quality company. #2 company in Canadian wine market. Recent market selloff has created buying opportunity for investors. Expecting post Covid-19 alcohol sales to rebound quickly. High margins will allow for profitability going forward.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
(A Top Pick Apr 28/21, Down 32%) Beverages had a good run during Covid as consumers stocked up. Peller saw good growth, even though some areas of Canada were shut down. But import costs have risen, so margins have declined in the last few quarters. The good news is that travel and restaurants are reopening--and these offer Peller higher gross margins, which he expects to gradually improve this year into next. Trades at a cheap valuation now, so it's a good time for a long-term investor to enter. Brighter days are ahead.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
(A Top Pick Mar 22/21, Down 34%) Company had tough time during pandemic. Margins not as strong as expected (rising packaging/shipping costs). Expecting strong rebound in sales as pandemic ends. Launching new products (spirits etc.). ~12 P/E stock price presents buying opportunities. Well managed company with strong free cash flow.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
A very high quality company that is generating high margins and great cash flow. They have owned it a long time. Recent results showed margins were recovering. They have upgraded the quality of their wines allowing them to reach higher price points. Their estate winery business is booming and they are generating record retail sales. This should continue. It is really cheap here and the company is buying back large volumes. This is a great area to buy as there is very little downside here.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
One of best managed companies in Canada. Great margins, great business. Grow organically and by acquisition, especially high-end brands. Cheap. Share buybacks. Hit by pandemic, but should see a surge in sales over the next few quarters. Good time to buy a high quality stock.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
This is a real quality company, really well managed, great cash flow. This is a great time to buy it. It has not been this cheap in eight to ten years. The retail channels have done well although restaurant sales have not. It is recovering with restaurants reopening.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
The stock has seen some significant down moves in recent weeks. Starting to show up with buy recommendations based on value. The company is well positioned as the second largest wine producer in Canada. Dealing with some headwinds. Strengthening CAD will create more imports which can be difficult for domestic producers. A short term speculative positioning rather than a long position. Will see volatility, especially in summer with thinner liquidity.
breweries / beverages
Andrew Peller
Online makes it a growth industry going forward. Niagara region wines have a better international following. Comfortable continuing to hold it if you own it.
breweries / beverages
Showing 1 to 15 of 51 entries

Andrew Peller(ADW.A-T) Rating

Ranking : 3 out of 5

Bullish - Buy Signals / Votes : 0

Neutral - Hold Signals / Votes : 0

Bearish - Sell Signals / Votes : 1

Total Signals / Votes : 1

Stockchase rating for Andrew Peller is calculated according to the stock experts' signals. A high score means experts mostly recommend to buy the stock while a low score means experts mostly recommend to sell the stock.

Andrew Peller(ADW.A-T) Frequently Asked Questions

What is Andrew Peller stock symbol?

Andrew Peller is a Canadian stock, trading under the symbol ADW.A-T on the Toronto Stock Exchange (ADW.A-CT). It is usually referred to as TSX:ADW.A or ADW.A-T

Is Andrew Peller a buy or a sell?

In the last year, 1 stock analyst published opinions about ADW.A-T. 0 analysts recommended to BUY the stock. 1 analyst recommended to SELL the stock. The latest stock analyst recommendation is . Read the latest stock experts' ratings for Andrew Peller.

Is Andrew Peller a good investment or a top pick?

Andrew Peller was recommended as a Top Pick by on . Read the latest stock experts ratings for Andrew Peller.

Why is Andrew Peller stock dropping?

Earnings reports or recent company news can cause the stock price to drop. Read stock experts’ recommendations for help on deciding if you should buy, sell or hold the stock.

Is Andrew Peller worth watching?

1 stock analyst on Stockchase covered Andrew Peller In the last year. It is a trending stock that is worth watching.

What is Andrew Peller stock price?

On 2024-09-06, Andrew Peller (ADW.A-T) stock closed at a price of $3.82.