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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by John Zechner

Down because VW and Ford cut back on EV plans?

Not necessarily. All copper stocks have been under pressure, due to copper getting ahead of itself to over $5/pound. Shanghai inventories going higher, sector had a lot of speculative plays. Copper is still a good story. TECK story looks fantastic, now purely positioned as a copper/zinc player, which puts it more in the global arena. Generating cash. 

Bank of Montreal

Picking away at this name. Missed 2 quarters, increased loan loss provisions, and he expects this to continue for a couple more quarters. Short-term risk is that capital markets aren't as big in Canada as in the US. Concerns about Bank of the West acquisition timing, regional bank issues. 

Those concerns are priced in. Coming through that, valuation now more attractive, good dividend while you wait. Getting to the point where earnings should turn up in the next year or so.

Arc Resources Ltd

With acquisition of Seven Generations, now more diversified. Valuation's looking more attractive. A good play in the sector, better even than TOU with its extended valuation. ARX has more upside on valuation, growth, and production.

oil / gas
Who benefits from Trans Mountain?

Mainly the heavy oil side, the pure oil players. The whole industry will benefit from tighter spreads.


US political situation not a major concern for investors - retail investors should focus on buying quality companies. Cooling inflation numbers pointing towards strength in the markets. Overall, markets are pointing towards strength. However, there are some weak spots in the market with recent weakness in retail companies like Nike. Without strength in "Big Tech" names, could be weakness in the US Economy for the second half of the year. Consumers are facing headwinds even with cooling inflation numbers - will be interesting to see how this plays out. Bankruptcies and credit card defaults are up which is another sign that points to weakness. Expecting strength in under valued sectors like energy in the not too distant future. Will see broader market strength at some point in the future - especially with falling interest rates. 

MDA Ltd.

Recent winning of billion dollar space contract from Canadian government very profitable. Stock performing very well the past few years. Demand for products remains strong, at a profitable rate. Expecting further growth in the years to come. Stock price under valued in relation to peers. Would recommend holding for the long term investor. 

electrical / electronic
Capital Power

Fits into defensive thesis. Current valuation very low - great time to buy. Demand for stable electricity very high. Reliable dividend rate (~6%) is good for yield investors. New A.I. data centers will ensure demand for product. Good for long term investors. Strong management team. Business will be benefited with falling interest rates. 

electrical utilities

Expecting further gains from gold. Gold stocks have not followed run up in gold, which presents buying opportunity. Discount to net asset value, and low cash flow multiple good for margin of safety investors. Mines located in Mexico have a lot of opportunity - lots of gold to produce. Expecting to maintain ~450,000 ounces of gold production going forward. 

precious metals
(A Top Pick May 30/23, Up 28%)

Recent name change from Crescent Point Energy. Company has lots of opportunity. New management team focusing on strong assets that generate cash. Will continue to own. Believes stock price is still under valued. 

(A Top Pick May 30/23, Down 14%)

Will continue to own. Rising interest rates were not good for the business. However, falling interest rates will be good for the business. Population growth in Canada good for the business. Trading at cheap valuation. Generating strong free cash flow, with ability to raise dividend. Would recommend holding. 

Pfizer Inc
(A Top Pick May 30/23, Down 20%)

Strong dividend yield. Will continue to own shares. Weakness after the Covid-19 expected, but large decrease a surprise. However, strong pipeline of new drugs, and well known brand name. Expecting stock price to appreciate in the future. 

biotechnology / pharmaceutical
Amazon.com, Inc.

Very strong business. Good for long term investors interested in tech space. Ability to generate cash continues to increase. A.I. trend will also benefit the company. High stock price valuation not a concern - lower than it has been historically. 

specialty stores

Owns shares, and expecting further growth. New management team will lead the company into better times. Competition from Apple not a concern, but believes technology is still relevant. 


Rising interest rates have been hard on the company. Would recommend holding and/or buying. Current share price is presenting value for investors. Does not think A.I. will undermine business. Good for long term investors. Oligopoly in Canada with mobile business. 


Owns shares of company. Very strong business that has excellent assets. Current valuation is very cheap. Strong dividend yield. Excellent management team with a large amount of skin in the game. 

oil / gas
Showing 1 to 15 of 3,827 entries