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Stock Opinions by Robert Lyon

Heavy oil producer in eastern Alberta/western Saskatchewan with huge economic pools. Big drilling inventory ahead of them. Looking for 50% production growth over the next 12 months.
One of the big pressure pumpers in Canada offering services to the oil/gas business. Horizontal drilling needs big pressure pumping capacity.
Gold producer in Turkey and the mine is in ramp-up mode now. Easy to mine oxide deposit. Drilling some higher grades deeper down in the sulphide, which provides great upside. Trading below NAV.
Heavy oil differential to light oil has narrowed to only about 10% discount. So producers of heavy oil are making a lot of money. Building their Sunrise oil sands project as well as some interesting exploration acreage in Greenland. Almost 4% dividend. Strong balance sheet.
Prefers other uranium players a little more. Great land package but have had some challenges.
Have some pretty good cost mines but interest seems to be elsewhere, probably because of less exploration than with others. Silver has done very well.
Has lagged a lot leading into the recent upside in the oil sector area. Still some challenges with the Petrocan integration. Need to shed some properties and integrate 2 vastly different cultures. Will be a long process. Good long-term hold.
Well leveraged to zinc and nickel prices as well as coal prices. Still good upside.
Colombian focused oil/gas player. Also exploring in Peru. Big drilling exploration program going on this year, which should yield some good results. Good asset value of around $5.
A lot of the natural gas stocks have pulled back a little. Now going through a transition of more of a resource play in the Montney and Doig plays. Still have more drilling to do to prove it out but thinks it will be successful.
Hoping to be acquired. Feels the assets are worth a lot more than where the stock is trading. Can't see who would want all of the company's assets. If it was sold in 2 or 3 different pieces, they could probably get more value.
(Thinks caller may be asking about Labrador Iron Ore (LIF.UN-T) instead.)
(Caller asked about Labrador Iron Mines (LIM-T) but may have meant Labrador Iron Ore (LIF.UN-T) instead.) There is still good opportunity long-term. Good distribution.
Have some small producing assets in Western Canada but the real story is the huge land position in the Utica gas shale play in Quebec. Still early days as Quebec doesn't have an oil/gas act that monitors the business. Will be several years before there is any significant production.
Have been drilling and getting some nice high grades. Think it will eventually get acquired at much higher levels.
Showing 1 to 15 of 228 entries