Stock Opinions by Sarat Sethi, Managing Partner, Douglas C. Lane & Assoc.


He loves companies that spend on the future AND have positive cash flow. They report next week.


Is skeptical about the impact of AI on their iPhone upgrade cycle.


Likes MS, expecting its capital markets activity to increase.


Likes it because each year they can raise their prices, which is built into their contracts. Also, earnings are accelerating and the dividend grows.


They just reported a Q2 beat. It hasn't performed well, but is finally rebounding a little. Their product pipeline will be good for the next few years.


Will benefit if indeed the capital markets business is back, as GS says. Their overhang is their wealth management business, their strongest business, which the SEC is examining. Will listen to the CEO's call about capital markets and backlog. The large banks should do well, not the regionals which look uncertain. It reports tomorrow.


They have a combination that works, including capital markets and wealth management. Should deliver a good report.


Was upgraded today. Likes it long term given its dividend growth. They did a great job in 2023 during the Bud Light debacle by growing market share, led by Modelo beer. is well-run.


They report this week. Listen for what they say about their cyber hack and the recent Medicare announcement (will this overhang endure?).


They report this week. Listen to what they say about the recent spin-off. A defensive play with a strong balance sheet and pays a 3% dividend.


The best way to play copper which is seeing demand going up and supplies limited.


Down 25% this morning and shares halted. The situation is changing constantly. He's watching it. Depositers are safe. Who will the bank merge with, etc? He has sold part of his position to a small holding. He will eventually decide whether to keep it or dump it.


They're different from other megatechs, because they have many pressures on them--cloud and retail. This is not a cheap stock, close to 40x PE. This is a pure show-me story in a decelerating economy. AWS's market share in 2016 was 74% but 51% today. There will be margin pressure.


They sell snacks and not just the drinks. Are raising prices as input prices decline. A tailwind will be the USD when it eventually weakens. Well-run company and defensive that you need in this market.


Well-capitalized bank. Boast a great management business.

Showing 1 to 15 of 40 entries