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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Greg Dean


Market. He is more interested in individual stocks. Clients are feeling pretty good by looking back a year or two and this is harmful. If we have come off the best decade in 100 years then clients need to think about it when investing. There are 11,500 small caps he could own. He is interested in the businesses as well as the people who manage them. He eliminates about 90% without even meeting them. They are simple financial screens. Returns above cost of capital is a big one.


They are now under a bit of stress because people find other ways of spending their free time.

other services

It is one of the better oil stocks. As a global investor he needs to know what is the best opportunities. Oil in Canada was a thing of the past. But they have oil that is nearer to where it is needed in Canada. They have some of the best light oil resource in Canada; have a strong management team and low debt. The end game for a mid-cap has to be acquisition. We used to sell everything we had to the US but now they have enough. Politicians should have had the foresight 10 years ago.

oil / gas

This business makes small acquisitions that are incremental. They have high margins and high returns. They think very long term. He does not think it is properly appreciated.

packaging / containers

(A Top Pick Aug 2, 2016, Up 46%) It changed its name. The merger acquisition transaction was quite complicated. It was one of the most value creating transactions he has seen. It is now DXC-T.

computer software / processing

(A Top Pick Aug 2, 2016, Down 17%) Putting Boots into Walgreens has been quite a challenge. Still a well run business and a cheap stock.

specialty stores

(A Top Pick Aug 2, 2016, Up 17%) They benefited from Trump. They suffered write downs and losses from Uber loans last year. But it is still an interesting business.

Financial Services

They are the cheapest producer and worry about the product further through delivery. They have a diversity of market. He is sticking with it.

oil / gas

Exceptional world class business. He finds auto parts challenging. However they are well run and are a good performing stock.

metal fabricators

They have great management. There was hope that the OLD in Ontario would privatize their gaming. They are selling down some of it and GC-T has done very well. They are one of the best operators in Canada.

entertainment services

Lifts in a lot of accessible vehicles and homes. There is a log runway to make acquisitions. They have not proven they can make acquisitions globally, so he does not own it today.

other services

It is a good story, and a phenomenal stock. They address a large market and grow it. It is quite early days, but it is expensive. He has WIX.


A very successful Canadian IPO. They have very materially beaten the numbers. He sold but would buy back at the right price.


He has owned it for a long time. You have to believe in the vision of the CEO. He has built a business that is dominant in the last mile. They also do a lot of Truck load and LTL here and in the US. He has been able to grow what has made them successful. There is always something that is not going as well as it should. Right now they are trying to fix a previous acquisition and that is what is happening this year. He thinks the CEO will do the right thing. The sum of the parts is bigger than the whole.


He is considering owning it. They have some short term issues, some self inflicted and some market. They just bought an airline.

merchandising / lodging
Showing 1 to 15 of 41 entries