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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
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Stock Opinions by Fabrice Taylor

The average Canadian doesn't understand how important oil is to Canada, and the way this industry is treated is abysmal. It's tough to wean yourself off an industry so entrenched and will take time. Pot stocks have had their valuations run far ahead of fundamentals; no company makes money. Look at focused companies that aren't all things to all people. There are some good companies. China said today it is growing at only 6.2% which prompted Trump to boast that China needs a trade deal. In this case, Trump is correct. In this game of chicken, China just blinked. However, China plays the long game and may not capitulate soon. China has more time than the U.S. or Trump who faces a 2020 election.

Dividend is nearly 10% (actually around 45), which is a warning sign. He watches a lot less TV and doesn't listen to traditional radio, which are Corus' businesses. He's skeptical of this business.

California is pushing hard for electric buses. Uber Share is encroaching on buses, so cities are looking at smaller buses that can pick you up near your home instead of a bus stop. GPV has pretty good demand. He has high hopes for GPV.
Caught hiding illegal cannabis from Health Canada has shaken market faith. Sell? There's never one cockroach, so there may be troubles at other pot companies. Sell this and maybe buy it back when there is clarity. TRST could lose their license. They have lost credibility among analysts. When bad things happen, they last not for a week, but months.
Nice store and his daughters shop there. They found a nice niche in a tough retail space. You're safe owning this. They're doing something right in keeping customers long-term.
It's speculative. They produde gravel, sand and rock in the Oil Sands. They're starting another pit later this year. They have a couple of frack and sand deposits, which is positive. He's like the upside. Their strong cash flow limits downside.
(A Top Pick Sep 07/18, Up 7%) They are an acqusitions machine, buying fast food brands, inlcuding a big one in the past two years that he hopes would increase their margins. They're rebounding from a hiccup now, so things looks good. It will grow nicely and eventually pay dividends.
(A Top Pick Sep 07/18, Down 25%) They used to get a nice premium because they got international oil prices, not Canadian. But then they made a Canadian acquisition--and investors don't want Canadian oil stocks. If the Liberals are voted out in October, this sector will sharply rebound. If the Liberals stay, oil will continue to suffer for four years.
(A Top Pick Sep 07/18, Up 18%) Government spending on infrastructure will continue and even outpace GDP. Also, ARE operates leanly. It's a risky sector, but ARE will continue to do well.
He just met management. An impressive story. It's taken them a long time to get traction. They do live "black box" technology for planes, so there's a lot of data to monetize. He's still studying it to see how big it can get.
You can do worse than bet on GUD long term. He once owned this and talks to the CEO. The CEO has a long-term view. Buy and forget this.

It's very frustrating and a former pick of his. They make a device accepted by AT&T and Bell, which is impressive. But this hasn't excited investors. Wait. When SIM gets a purchase order, this stock will move. Revenues will be made.

AD just did some big equity investments and AD pays a big dividend. He used to own and recommend this. Smart and lean management. They suffered some problem investments. They've cleaned them up and he hopes they learned their lesson. You're in good hands. He doesn't know about their recent deployments.
Their future plans? A great stock over the years. A well-run dividend player. Doesn't know what their future plans are.
They should be doing well with a strong Quebec real estate market, but they are not. There's a ticking time bomb in their mortgage book. They are also unionized, so they pay higher costs. They compete against the big banks, which is tough. Reading between the lines, there's something worrisome with LB.
Showing 1 to 15 of 905 entries