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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Jason Donville


With a change in the political scene we should get a re-embracement and fixing of the economy by returning to good wages and dealing with the cost of living issues. The Liberals have not been good for business and sentiment with entrepreneurs, and have shown a lack of understanding of how jobs are created and where higher wages come from. They come from value out of industries. Money has been put into AI and battery technology but he feels this has not been done on a day-to-day basis. Mark Carney could turn things around for the Liberals but Christia Freeland could get tagged with the previous policies.


He owns a small position and expects it to be profitable by 2025/26. It is about rebuilding the grid and improving the efficiency of the electrical system. Getting the industry to build new environmental infrastructure is a win-win.


Keep holding if you have it. It is performing at the operating level and should outperform in 2025. It has been going sideways and is ready to break out.


IT is pretty cheap and he has been looking at it but there is a lot of debt. He would buy if the debt gets to where it is less than three years of cash flow. Pretty strong execution.


He is looking at it. It is very cheap and starting to move, with metrics looking pretty attractive now. It looks like we'll see a more focused company in the future. There was a bubble in the health tech sector but things are sorting themselves out and it looks good for investment. You could probably start buying.


It is still growing by over 20% per year and trailing less than 20 X earnings. He is looking for a stock price 20 to 25% higher a year from now. It is getting international notice. Acquisitions are generally small and not big company changing ones. It is the best roll-up stock in Canada and one of the most attractive companies for new investors to buy. They don't do analyst calls.


It is not getting it done with a lot of execution not happening now. It is cheap but needs a private equity group to take it out and have new management. There is already anticipation of a takeout so it is risky.


It is an outstanding company with great management. It is on the expensive side at 30X earnings but if not buying, it is at least a good long term hold. There will not likely be a pullback.


It could become the next Paladin. It has great management and ownership along with a good outlook. It made a big acquisition in the U.S. and if the first two quarters go well the stock could go up.


He doesn't have a great feel for retailers but it screens like something he would own and is doing the right things. It is a great company with great financials. The problem is that they go in and out of favour since fashion is fickle. If owned, stay long.

(A Top Pick Jun 05/24, Up 10%)

It is an interesting business at the right time. It should be up more and is one of the cheapest stocks in their coverage so be patient. It is part of the AI theme and manages 300 good quality forums. He feels it should be $20 to $25.

(A Top Pick Jun 05/24, Up 79%)

It is a fintech company and a provider of credit through intermediators, all through AI. In fact it is almost a pure AI play. It covers Canada, the U.S. and U.K. It is still trading at a single digit P/E, growing at 67%, with earnings growing almost faster than the share price.

(A Top Pick Jun 05/24, Up 201%)

It provides security in parking lots and can monitor anything. It uses AI technology so its monitoring is cost effective and more efficient.


It is a submarine stock and is on the cutting edge. It has military contracts which have good margins and provide recurrent revenue.


As a spin-off of Constellation Software. It has the same business model as CSU, only its focus is on the European SaaS market. It is growing well and its valuation is similar to CSU.

Showing 1 to 15 of 1,132 entries