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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
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Stock Opinions by Tim Nash

The markets have endured a lot of uncertainty and are now confident. It's been more of a psychological issue. We're sprinting now to the end of the year. Things are good and he expects people to take some profits. It's business as usual. Norway is a leader in ethical investing with their pension fund blacklisting companies for ethical reasons. Investors are catching on that ethical investing pays off and avoids investing in unethical behaviour and carbon energy uncertainty. As for Canada's Liberal minority government, he expects them to continue with the carbon tax as scheduled. Let's see how they work with the NDP, and a proposed tax cut for green companies.
Oil companies investing in green in Canada--the right approach? Investors invest in an oil company for oil. Those companies are generating a lot of cash flow, and he hopes they invest in green. But this is happening more abroad like Total, not in Canada. Overall, capex in green remains small in their overall cash flow. That's disappointing in Canada and could be more. Here, Suncor has the highest ESG score.
The gold standard in green investors. Renewable energy utilities are very popular now, so there's upside potential. Meanwhile, older investors are frustrated with low interest rates and shifting to green utilities for their dividends. It's possible that money may shift away from this to growth stocks if a recession doesn't happen, but these green utility stocks still are good long-term holds. He doesn't foresee a recession now.
There's been a lot of talk about this company which is in the retail market for solar energy. ENPH will do well as long as people buy e-cars. The stock peaked recently as investors got over-excited and the stock is still expensive, but you can buy this for long-term growth. The sky's the limit--as more homeowners want solar panels on their homes and need to charge their e-cars. A good choice.
They have greenhouse operations. It's exciting that they're getting into green energy, because this amounts to synergy between this and their food production. They capture methane and turn it into green energy. It decreases greenhouse gases. He's a little worried about the split focus, but the synergy potential is strong. It's early days so buy a small position now.

They make batteries for e-cars, a big player there. But it's a very small stock, so be careful. If you buy, make it a small part of your portfolio. Also, carmakers could develop their own next-generation batteries internally, so that's another caveat. It will take a while for e-cars to come to market, not till around 2025 when the big car companies compete with Tesla. Maybe those big carmakers will externally pick EFL as their battery--and that would be huge for EFL. If not, then EFL will languish as a penny stock.

They're in the gas market with bio-gas in the emerging sub-sector. We're shifting from coal to nat gas, which is the bridge fuel to pure renewable energy. XBC is a great company because it provides a solution for this industry. Be cautious because XBC lacks positive earnings and it's a very small company. No problem holding this, but keep your holding small.
DYA is spending a lot on hydrogen energy technologies which will have niche applications. DYA is looking at marine vessels, trains, and mining and forestry equipment. If there's a centralized system for fleet management, like a hydrogen-refuelling station for trains, then DYA will benefit. This is a risky company--hydrogen isn't proven yet and is rolling out only now. Give it 5-10 years for hydrogen-energy pilot projects to go through to see if hydrogen is the fuel that these companies choose.
(A Top Pick Dec 12/18, Up 17%) An ETF that tracks the S&P minus fossil fuels and weapons. Strongly correlates the S&P with slight outperformance. You get market returns and do good.
(A Top Pick Dec 12/18, Up 15%) Linked to the UN Sustainable Goal: educational, healthcare, food, sanitation companies. Lots of exposure to emerging markets with only 35% US exposure. This will do well along with the world ex-US.
(A Top Pick Dec 12/18, Up 107%) OLEDs will be everywhere, these screens. Every cell phone provider will make foldable phones--which need OLED screens. And there are other applications--OLEDs will kill lightbulbs. OLEDs can bend and go almost everywhere. The technology is everywhere. It will become more common, cheaper and efficient. The PE ratio is really high now, so you're banking on explosive growth in the future, but he feels that explosion will come. Adoption of OLEDs will rise as the price declines.
A bank that's investing in ESG. None of the big banks have, but the credit unions are (but aren't stocks themselves). HASI is the closest thing, though they aren't a big bank. HASI has been a past top pick of his. They finance renewable energy projects and sustainable infrastructure. Steady returns and pays a nice 4.49% dividend. The big banks are taking initial steps into ESG though and he hopes it'll take a year or two before they make bigger steps.
As an ESG investment, how well does Dell score? Dell is in the 96th percentile for sustainability, but they lag in the governance area, like gender diversity and taxes paid, which is common for tech companies. However, they score high in the environmental side, like e-waste/recycling
Environmentally friendly? Yes, they are. They buy carbon credits. Apple issued a billion-dollar green bond to finance their renewable energy projects. Also, they have their next-gen robot, Daisy, that disassembles their old phones. Their biggest issue is with Chinese manufacturers who don't treat their employees well, which is a red flag in ESG. That said, he would feel comfortable owning Apple. Apple scores in the 99th percentile for environmental, very high. He's pleased to see them being ESG leaders. They have massive reputational risk, so they need to keep their scores high.

They just posted record revenues. E-buses run on specific routes, and so are aware of their battery ranges and to allow time to recharge them. Meanwhile, this technology will advance. GPV will take off depending on cities' budgets--if cities spend on e-buses, then GPV will hugely benefit. GPV remains a small company, so he doesn't hold it yet. If you want to invest in e-buses, consider NFI who are bigger and more established. He prefers to own GPV in a mix of companies (i.e. ETF) when that happens.

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