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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
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Stock Opinions by Hap (Robert) Sneddon FCSI

Market in US presidential election year.

It causes a lot of froth. Lots of cross-currents with promises made, possible shift in balance of power, polarizing situations. We're probably going to pause here for a little bit, and then ramp up.

Traditionally markets go sideways in summer, as it's more sell in May go away. In an election year, there's a bit of sell in May but it happens later in the summer, around July. And then markets pop up. 

It's a bit of an odd market. There's this tension between inflation-focused investments or commodity-type things versus the growth story. Your portfolio could look kind of weird if you try to create it from the world that you see, and it might not be best for you at this kind of time. Barbell might be a way to describe it, where things are seemingly opposite with tech and growth along with base metals and commodities and such.

Analysts are hiking estimates of corporate profits?

Yes. They've been doing that consistently for Q1, Q2 and Q3, and then the outlook for the full year was raised. Not just the earnings, but the revenues too. Pretty positive.

10-year bond yield.

It's just not going away. We saw the bottom of something like 0.4% back during Covid in 2020. And it's around 4.60% today. A bit of a correction late last year, but it wants to keep going higher.

When it pops above 5%, it starts breaking parts of the market. We're moving back up to that level right now. Bank of Canada may cut next week, but the Fed's ambassadors have been messaging that it might actually raise once more. The market's taking it up in advance of that.

Story of the S&P 500?

Lot of volatile spots. Volatility is pretty high, with some pretty big moves. If you look through it all, we have an uptrend. You just have to bear with the periods of weakness and correction. And then the uptrend resumes amidst some rotation. It's your normal corrective market, but with more at stake this year we're seeing a bit more volatility than normal.

We've seen a pretty good dose of rotation change over the last year. We've come back to growth with the NVDA's of the world and technology. The AI focus has contributed. See his Top Picks later for an AI pick that's more downstream, but really connected to AI.

Barrick Gold

Pretty big strength in the last 6 months. If you look at the chart, seeing pretty big moves within a band. It wants to get above $24.50 before it takes a shot at $31, which is the peak from 2022. Want to see it break out and then keep momentum going.

Sometimes the biggest in any sector, especially gold, can be kind of mushy. Can be safe, but sometimes acts like dead money. The risk/reward may not be there.

precious metals
A Comment -- General Comments From an Expert

Whole sector's been a pretty good place to be. If you're looking for real strength as far as opportunity goes, move downstream from the big names to mid-tier names like IMG. Those are the ones that are behaving quite robustly.

Often it works to buy a basket, and then drill down and add one name for some extra alpha.

Iamgold Corp

Whole sector's been a pretty good place to be. If you're looking for real strength as far as opportunity goes, move downstream from the big names to mid-tier names like IMG. Those are the ones that are behaving quite robustly.

Often it works to buy a basket, and then drill down and add one name for some extra alpha.

precious metals
TC Energy

Another example of a big name being mushy. Downtrend, trying to stabilize. Getting interesting. Better names elsewhere. In the space, he likes PPL and KEY.

oil / gas pipelines

Great growth story cutting through all the noise. We want to see it get through where it is right now. May pause and come back a bit. Expects markets to be a bit soft for the next few weeks. Fantastic business model, nicely growing. If it breaks above its early January high, which it's trying to do right now, look to add.

computer software / processing
Netflix Inc.
Thought process behind buying from looking at the chart.

He just bought not too long ago. There was a base in Dec-Jan. Spiked up, breakout late January. Often you tell yourself you'll wait for it to come back before you get on the train. You should just get in and buy half a position. It could shoot up and you never get your chance. But this way, at least you got in there.

This one came back down in April to the underside of the January breakout, and then away it went. Now need to see it get through previous peak of 2021, around $700. It's close now. New initiatives will accelerate a second phase of growth.


US banking has done better than Canada, but there are better places to put money. This one has done quite well. First place to look is around $194. Once it goes past that, the next level would be $186. Final on-sale price would be $170. 

If you have a long horizon, don't get too cute with the buy price, as the price targets are never that precise. Pick up a partial position at a reasonable price. If it starts to move higher, perhaps add your remaining position. Sometimes you have to use good portfolio management, rather than technical analysis.

Financial Services

Chart had broken out and spiked up. Next level of resistance around $23, and then $26. You can tell yourself you'll buy when it comes back 25%, but it might never do that. Likes this name. Ignore market craziness, and focus on company fundamentals.

Air Canada

Weak. 200-day MA is going down, and you don't want to see that, as it doesn't revert quickly. Has to go out to the wilderness and discover itself. First place is $15.50, so drifting lower from today. Trying to make a bottom. US carriers starting to see softness. Good for passengers if tickets go on sale.

Deutsche Bank AG

Never got its legs again since glory days of 2007. Recent chart action suggests stock wants to come back to around $13 level. Long term, might have big upside. Constantly reinventing itself. Not the best name, but worst is over. You could take a chance. Buy part now, rest after election.


Peak at beginning of year, then down pretty significantly, 12% haircut. Next level to look at is $95-96 range, give or take $3. Perhaps even as low as $90. 

Always look at RSI against the S&P, and since 2023, rails have been down against the S&P. Now the rails are separating themselves from the S&P, so he expects a bit more weakness. Rails are usually good long-term stocks to buy.

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