With 10% of the global economy and market cap, it is very underweighted in Canadian portfolios. He favors hedging away the currency risk right now. The key holdings like Toyota, Mitsubishi, and Sony are not in a lot of investor portfolios. He does not invest in this portfolio directly, as they buy the individual companies, but this is the way an individual can diversify.
Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF is a American stock, trading under the symbol HEWJ-N on the NYSE Arca (HEWJ). It is usually referred to as AMEX:HEWJ or HEWJ-N
In the last year, there was no coverage of Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF published on Stockchase.
Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF was recommended as a Top Pick by on . Read the latest stock experts ratings for Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF.
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In the last year, there was no coverage of Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF published on Stockchase.
On 2024-11-15, Ishares Currency Hedged MSCI Japan ETF (HEWJ-N) stock closed at a price of $41.85.