Stock Opinions by Courtney Garcia

Banks stocks are hitting new lows today She likes how cheap they've become. Banks go down the most heading into a downturn, but they will also rebound the most. They pay a good dividend and offer value. Are good for long-term investors.
US banks Net interest income from rising rates will be a boost. But mortgages and investment trading revenues will be horrible. The banks are trading at cheap valuations now, but when they report Friday they won't be clean quarters. Wells' mortgage business is significant, but WF has been shrinking it for the past 18 months and are the most sensitive to interest rates, so a rise will increase their margins.
She's bullish oil, a sector holding up better than others and will continue to. These energy companies were forced to become more efficient during Covid when energy tanked. So these company can still be profitable even with a fall in oil prices.
Energy and healthcare are her top two sectors. The larger pharmas are getting into pet healthcare. As people cut overall spending, they will still spend more on their pets.
They have pricing power, with 17% higher prices in products, but were only 1% down in volume. So, people are still spending.
Healthcare (and energy) is her top sector. IYH offers great exposure to UnitedHealth, Merck and Eli Lilly. If inflation keeps climbing, be in health.
Healthcare (and energy) is her top sector. IYH offers great exposure to UnitedHealth, Merck and Eli Lilly. If inflation keeps climbing, be in health.
Consumer spending and the manufacturing index are both coming down. Semis' slump points to the economy slowing down.
Shares plunged today after the CEO warned (in an internal memo) of hiring cutbacks because he expects one of the worst economic downturns in return history. Not a huge surprise; Meta already had a hiring freeze. Tech valuations in general have fallen so much with share prices that the stocks are looking interesting and worth buying or considering. Meta is trading at a low 13x earnings. Not good news, but this could be an opportunity for a long-term buyer.
Doesn't want this on her BBQ.
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