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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by Thomas George


Market. He thinks not much of real substance will come of the meeting between US and North Korea. The problem is what will happen with his twitter feed. He thinks there is an opportunity for Canada to mitigate the issues with trade tariffs. Trump is good for the stock market.


Crypto Currencies. Bit coin is very different to the rest. It is more like digital gold. It is a store of value or wealth. The bit coin market is too small to significantly affect the gold market.


They are just serial acquirers that dilute existing shareholders. You want to own the acquired, rather than the acquirer.


Three recommendations for a mid-career investor with 10 years. Focus on emerging markets. Go where the growth is. Own India and China. Include Technology. Marijuana is interesting but be wary of valuation.


You own it for the long term. It is the technology component of an emerging market.


It is capital intensive. Of the chunks of production of oil that can come on and off line is (1) shale, (2) oil sands and (3) off shore, which this company addresses. It is expensive using this approach.


(A Top Pick May 14/18, Up 4%) This is a space that continues to grow. He likes that people are coming to their ecosystem.


(A Top Pick May 14/18, Up 13%) It is a baby AMZN-Q. Connecting unique sellers with buyers. This is an interesting play, trading at half the multiple of AMZN-Q. It actually makes money.


(A Top Pick May 14/18, Down 21%) It had a tough go since he was on. He continues to believe it is one of the best plays to get exposure to bit coin. It is a well run company.


He is bullish on crypto currency mining. What is coming down the road he calls proof-of-stake. He prefers HUT-X.


He thinks it is a quality company. His challenge with it is valuation. He likes it a lot but is waiting for a significant correction.


It seems the overhang of Cambridge Analytica has passed. But he would far prefer to own GOOGL-Q. FB-Q is the intersection of all of your private life so there is always this data that is out there. He thinks the regulatory overhang for the entire sector is a challenge.


Caller owns a bit coin and it has tanked. Think of it as a store of wealth. It has all the characteristics of gold. Hold it for the long term.


One of the challenges for Canadian producers is that it is indoors and therefore high cost. It is subject to mould. This one is building a facility in Columbia and it will be lower cost to produce Marijuana. They will sell 10% to Canada.


This is an interesting one. Edibles make a ton of sense. The biggest margin increase is when you go from oil to edible. It is an interesting market. He is struggling with the valuation.

Showing 1 to 15 of 68 entries