BCE bonds maturing in 2014 are down 10%. If you are a long-term investor, they will mature and they will not default on them. The fundamentals of BCE are good.
Canada Mortgage Backed Securities STST issued in 2003-CC1 maturing 1/12/13 at 5.33%. Yielding about .65 of 1% more than a government of Canada Bond. AAA rated. 45% is retail property. A good time to purchase.
BCE Bonds. Would actually look at them right now. Fairly interesting. Likes the fundamentals of BCE for the bonds. Long bonds 2035 maturity are 3.5% over government of Canada Bond's.
GMAC maturing May 25/10 at 6%. The riskier of his 3 Top Picks. GMAC owns ResCap, which has exposure to the sub prime market. Taking a lot of hits and if you can get past this, there are a lot of positive things.
Government of Canada or province of Ontario bonds. He is currently looking at the shorter-term bonds. Right now there is an inverted yield curve, so 2 year Canada bonds are 4.7% and 30 years are 4.5%. More value in the 5 year and under from both Canada and Ontario bonds..