SPDR Metals Mining ETF is a American stock, trading under the symbol XME-N on the NYSE Arca (XME). It is usually referred to as AMEX:XME or XME-N
In the last year, there was no coverage of SPDR Metals Mining ETF published on Stockchase.
SPDR Metals Mining ETF was recommended as a Top Pick by on . Read the latest stock experts ratings for SPDR Metals Mining ETF.
Earnings reports or recent company news can cause the stock price to drop. Read stock experts’ recommendations for help on deciding if you should buy, sell or hold the stock.
In the last year 0 stock analysts on Stockchase covered SPDR Metals Mining ETF. The stock is worth watching.
On 2024-11-15, SPDR Metals Mining ETF (XME-N) stock closed at a price of $65.04.
Is it a good time to go into the mining sector? He uses XME which gives exposure to a broad number of mining types. He would not be inclined right now. But in the next 12 months he expects them to have bottomed out.