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Curated by Michael O'Reilly since 2020
1550+ opinions with 4.81 rating (one of the best performing expert)

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Stock Opinions by James Hodgins

Market. We are seeing something of a year-end melt-up in the markets. We have had a ten-year unprecedented run in the markets. What a decade! Valuations are stretched now. It's a pattern we saw in 1929 and in 2000 in the tech bubble. He thinks this trend is now focused more on the large caps. We have a narrowing market with a blow-off top. There is going to be payback for all for this when liquidity pumping stops. The global economy peaked out earlier in the year. Purchasing manager's indexes across the world are having a bit of a dead-cap bounce now. It is still a topping process in the global economy and will have an impact on stocks. We are due for a bear market.
It IPO'ed a couple of years ago and was a success but he feels it is overvalued as a lot of tech stocks are. He believes there is a lockup expiry coming up for insiders and he predicts a lot of insider selling on this stock when that happens.
He would not short it or buy it. It had a big run this year on the idea of it getting into online gambling. He thinks it is real and could turn into a good situation but they will need some money to fund this roll out so see how they finance it. It is fully valued here.
He still likes it. There is a changeover in the investor base. A lot of people were hiding in it for cash and book value, and now investors are interested in the growth so there is a changeover. He likes it here.

They had a cyber theft – 9 Million out of there bank but insurance covered it. He likes it. It is speculative and is a roll up strategy.

A great company and there has been some recent volatility from the back off on the Canfor opportunity. He likes the space here. There was a huge run-up on the US home-builders space. The fundamentals are tightening and it could be a good year for this company.
After all the hopes and dreams it turned out to be a 'sell on news' type of thing. The space has been a bit of a disaster. He does not think he is short this one but it is not a space he is keep on.
Monitoring traps on oil and gas wells in Canada. It is a good company and could be an acquisition candidate. It is a cheap stock. It could benefit from the 'January-Effect'.
They did that big announcement of the partnership with AMZN-Q. The stock popped and the insiders sold. He is short the stock. It is expensive here. It is a very expensive stock for what they do.
It should benefit from the free trade agreement. Steel prices have been firming up in Asia. It would have been a prime tax loss selling candidate.
(A Top Pick Dec 20/18, Down 16%) It's been tough for the energy producers. It had a nice pop last year but it came back. He thinks it makes it to the other side as it has a strong balance sheet. We'll see what happens. The framework for regulatory in this sector is not getting any better.
(A Top Pick Dec 20/18, Up 61%) He still likes this one. See his top picks today. It is getting closer to fair value here. He is still positive on precious metals over the long term. This one is more expensive than in 2000. The global economy has peaked and is in the process of rolling over.
(A Top Pick Dec 20/18, Down 40%) It had a good turn in January. Beaten down stocks can have a nice bounce in January.
The outlook for online gaming is very positive. They are doing the merger with Flutter out of the UK and will add scale to the company. In five years you will see in-game betting like you have in the UK. The NFL would be a monster business.
The January effect may benefit it. They got crushed after a terrible quarter. People are not playing it for the current business but for the 5G rollout. The Antenna density is 4 times that of 4G. When the build out happens, this company will benefit but you should be buying it now.
Showing 1 to 15 of 1,126 entries