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Built by investors for investors 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
Pick more winners by focusing on recommendations from the trustworthy experts, leading to more gains.
Better Insights.
Smarter Investing.
We follow 300 investment experts
We follow 54+ info sources (TV, Web)
We published 220,000+ expert opinions
We do our work 22 years, since 2000
We follow 300
investment experts
We follow 54+
info sources
We published 220,000+
expert opinions
We do our work
since 2000
Identify trustworthy experts
with a proven track record
Not all stock opinions are created equal that's why we created experts rankings which are updated weekly.

With Premium you can identify trustworthy experts with a good track record.

It helps to pick more winners by focussing on recommendations from the top-performing experts, leading to more portfolio gains.
Get daily top picks with ratings before market opens
On Premium you will get the Daily Top Picks newsletter with experts' ratings before the market opens.

You will gain insights earlier than others, have more time to think about investment decisions to achieve better returns on your portfolio.
Investors about Stockchase Premium
  • Mike O.
    DIY Investor
    Investing directly for over 30 years

    "There is simply no other way to efficiently track the latest analyst views of my stocks. I especially appreciate the regular updates on my specific portfolio holdings and the daily Top Picks delivered directly to my inbox. Worth every penny!”

  • Mark J.
    DIY Investor
    Trading approximately 1-2 times a month.

    “I appreciate the information and value. I like the daily emails and summary of the market for the previous day. The fact we can use a watchlist and get targeted emails is also very helpful. Overall, this service has already paid for itself in the first month of being used. Highly recommended!”

  • Elias Z.
    Canadian DIY Investor
    Focus on utilities, REITs and Banks as well as large Cap technology.

    “Successfull investing requires access to as much information as possible as early as possible. I am especially pleased with Stockchase Premium, both for its varied reports and helpful personal service.”
See top 25 expert ranking.
Filter by investment horizon.
You can see the rankings for preferred investing horizons (1, 6 or 12 months, 2 or 5 years). These rating is updated weekly.

That's very useful as some experts are better for long term investing, and others are better for short term bets.

So you can choose to follow experts that match your investment strategy
See experts’ top picks.
Analyze their performance.
Premium gives you full access to expert's top picks portfolio where you can see start price, performance to date and percentage of growth.

It also helps you identify the most promising stocks among the Top Picks (50+ each month) and choose your favorite experts.
  • Built by Canadian investors 🇨🇦
    We intend to establish Stockchase as the #1 destination for you to find Canadians and US stock opinions online.

    We hope to grow the community and bring to you even more stock and opinions related content.

    We are always listening, if you have ideas or suggestions email us and let us know :
Get panic-proof portfolio.
Keep calm during downturns.
Get signals when to sell or buy a stock with stop loss values in order to prevent loses.

These signals are coming from Michael O'Reilly since 2020 with 4.73 rating based on performance!

That's a very well performing source of investment ideas curated by the Stockchase team.
Get weekly buzzing stocks.
Be informed during the hype.
It's the review of the most popular stock on social medias.

We follow the main social apps to give you a brief overview of major mentions and events.

It's posted weekly to give you another view on the trending stocks, so you will not have to waste your precious time on scrolling social media feeds.
Financial websites about Stockchase Premium:
  • Use Stockchase to “Get a second opinion on your stock choices […] check out Stockchase and its well-maintained database of who’s saying what about which stocks.”
    Rob Carrick
  • If you’re an experienced investor, or making the occasional stock purchase and are in need of some investment ideas, Stockchase has plenty of tools to help you with your research.
    Tom Drake
Monthly best stock ideas.
Delivered to your inbox.
Once a month we send our selection of best stock ideas. It has a very good performance since December 2019 with much more wins than loses.

We send it exclusively to the Premium subscribers in the first week of a month.

It will help you to pick stocks and stay on top of the market.
Wealthica access. 80% off.
Simplify financial life.
Stockchase helps to make more informed decisions.

While Wealthica (our another product) simplifies your financial life by connecting with your financial institutions to save balances, holdings and transaction history.

Paid access to Wealthica usually costs $125 per year, but you'll get it for $25 per year with the Stockchase Premium subscription.
Free members are missing out on 70% of the value
A single win can pay back your Premium membership multiple times over
Access to opinions
Experts rating
Top picks before market opens
Top 25 expert ranking
Experts’ top picks portfolios
Panic-proof portfolio
Weekly buzzing stocks
Monthly best stock ideas
Paid access to Wealthica for $25 ($125)
Ads-free interface
  • 60 Days Money Back Guarantee
    Premium members are fully protected by an unconditional money back guarantee.

    If you sign up and don't like it, just email us (at within 60 days and we'll give you a full refund – no questions asked.
Stockchase Premium
1 Year Plan

Billed yearly. Cancel anytime.
You'll get notification 14 days before renewal.

✔ Unlock experts ratings

✔ Top picks portfolios

✔ Top Picks before market opens

✔ Top 25 rankings

✔ Monthly best stock ideas

✔ Panic-proof portfolio

✔ Weekly buzzing stocks

✔ Paid access to Wealthica

✔ Top 100 top picks

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial?
You can take advantage of the 60 day money-back guaranteed as a free trial.

If you sign up and don't like Stockchase Premium, just email us in the following 60 days and we'll give you a full refund – no questions asked.

Will I get an email notification before renewal of subscription?
Yes, you will get an email notification 14 days prior renewal, so you will have enough time to cancel subscription if you want.

To do this, you need to login into your Stockchase account, open account page, go to the Billing section and then cancel subscription there.

Can I cancel my premium subscription?
Yes, you can do this any time. Just login into your Stockchase account and go to Billing section where you can cancel subscription.

Do I need to create a new Stockchase account?
You need to have an active free Stockchase account matching the email address you specify on the premium sign up form.

Once you submit and pay, we will upgrade your free account to Premium. If you do not have a free Stockchase account, signup for one here.

What does Stockchase Premium includes?
The main features of Stockchase Premium are the stock experts rankings, individual experts ratings on multiple investing horizons and access to stock experts' top picks portfolios.

As a Premium member, you will also receive an enhanced version of the Daily Top Picks newsletter before everyone else each day, have ad-free access to the Stockchase web site content and a few more extras. Furthermore, your contribution will contribute to the development and maintenance of Stockchase.

Why you can rely on the rankings of experts?
We get experts' opinions from 50+ sources, paraphrase, categorize them and provide to you. Then we evaluate these opinions with results to identify trustworthy experts who give smarter suggestions, so you can follow them.

We analyze the performance of the expert’s top picks as if they would have been bought on the date the expert chose it as a Top Pick and sold according to the chosen investing horizon. So star rating of an expert is based on the difference between the wins (BIG WIN + WIN) and loses (LOSE, BIG LOSE) in the investing horizon.

Following the opinion of each expert, you can make a mistake, which means you can lose money. With Premium you can avoid this by getting access to the experts ratings. So you can see whose opinions are trustworthy and make better investments based on it.

What is Wealthica (portfolio tracker) that is included in subscription?
Many investors like you maintain an investment spreadsheet they update manually. The Stockchase team is also behind Wealthica, a net worth tracking app that features automated exports of your holdings and transactions to Google Spreadsheet.

When you signup for 1 year of Stockchase Premium you get discounted access for just $25 per year to the Google Spreadsheet export on Wealthica (usually it's a $125 per year value)

I paid but still can't access Premium, why?
In order to avoid activation delays, make sure you filled the signup form using the same email address you are using for your Stockchase account.

Please allow for 5-15 minutes after signup for your access permissions to be updated.

Also make sure you sign out and log back in to Stockchase in order to make sure you are viewing the site with your updated permissions.

There are some cases when activation could require an additional delay. If you still did not receive welcome instructions and access 15 minutes after signup, you can notify us via email at

Don't worry, if you paid then we have been notified and we will get back to you quickly with your Premium access.

What if I have any problem or question regarding subscription?
Email us at or chat with us in real-time using the chat widget at the bottom of the contact page.

Will I have additional charges or paid promotions after payment?
No, we do not aim to sell additional courses, services or tips, as other companies like Motleyfool and others. The premium subscription is the only paid product at the moment, and you will never have additional charges or get any other paid promotions.

We highly value our reputation with investors, that's why we never act like that.

Which markets do you cover?
We cover both 🇨🇦 Canadian and 🇺🇸 United States markets with a little more focus on Canadian stocks.

Premium helps investors to earn more!
  • "I like the 🇨🇦 Canadian content. I like up to date information on the markets to validate investment decisions."
    I do my own investing with paid consultants. Own and operate a Canadian charity
    80 years old investor
  • "To do background checks on some of the advisors / stock pickers I come across to see if they are credible"
    Retired and running my own funds
    52 years old investor
  • "Keeping track of existing stock recommendations (sell, buy more) and look for recommendations for new stocks."
    Retired and running my own funds
    52 years old investor
  • "One of many sources I use to scope out equity I am interested in. Sometimes gives me insights into firms I was not aware of."
    Invest with no advisor.
    I’m 61 years old investor
  • "I had used the free version for many years to check on Canadian stocks I have. Most of the stocks I hold are in the U.S.
    You appear to have better coverage of all stocks with the premium product, and perhaps the stock coverage I am looking for."
    Work as a stock trader
    50 years old
  • "I like the BNN TV and you cover the Market participants. It probably is the best advice at a reasonable cost. I have tried Zacks, Schaeffers and use Its not perfect but it is current and tells the market as it is. Having to explain your mistakes is good and keeps things in perspective"
    Certified Public Accountant
    I am a semi retired in my late 70s.
  • "To review and validate my stock portfolio and better understanding what to buy, but more important when to sell a portion are all the stocks under a specific company."
    I manage my small business and more important my retirement savings.
    I’m 61 years old, I’m semi retired. 
  • "Have watched Market Call for years and have my favourite analysts.
    Always check Stockchase when making decisions about investments."
    Have been online investing for family since 2002.
    Retired, 73 year old investor
  • "Keep track of all the stock picks from BNN and also follow my favourite analysts."
    I do my own investing and also have a full time job not in the financial industry.
    I'm 55 years old investor
  • "To check the opinions of the professionals who appear on Market Call"
    Commercial Real Estate sales consultant
    I'm 72 years old investor
  • "Solely to check Market Call past opinions by company I'm interested in or advisor I rate highly"
    Invests for myself
    I'm 76 years old investor
  • "To get a second opinion on stocks I am interested in before I purchase"
    Work as a sales consultant. Started purchasing stocks this year and looking to grow
    I'm 24 years old investor
  • "For top picks and stock advice/recommendations. I don't want to spend days researching companies. Instead I trust the guys that do it daily."
    Previously owned a couple business's. Recently started to shift away from primarily RE investments to more stocks for diversity. I prefer long term buy and hold positions
    I'm 40 year old Power Engineer.
  • "I make most of my own investment decisions. Stockchase premium is one of my two most reliable sources of advice."
    My present means of increasing my pension is managing my investments well. So far so good.
    I am a lady of 84 years, retired.
  • "I do watch Market Call and benefit from your summaries relative to advisor's recommendations and the way you have all information organized.

    Just tried Marketbeat and was overwhelmed with too much information, cancelled the trial."
    Just had our investment advisor sell everything he managed for us and transfer to me to invest
    I'm 69 years old, retired
  • "I do not have time to follow the expert opinion on TV (BNN) but I want to be availed of their opinions on a regular basis. I have looked at the free version of Stockchase and found it very helpful, so the Premium version adds even more knowledge of the stocks in which I am interested."
    Manage the investments for myself and my wife.
    I am retired
  • "To increase and improve my knowledge from another research group. On one is ever totally correct, and more research input ,technicals and fundamentals are always important in managing in my investments"
    I self direct our investments, in both or Registered and Non Registered investment accounts
    I am 76, years old, happily retired and an active traveller. 
  • "To hear expert analytic investing comments and advice from sincere analysts that I have seen and heard before, interviewed on BNN and whose comments I have found both credible and successfully accurate over a period of time"
    Interested in self directed as well as managed investing ,currently doing this.
    A retired senior
  • "To get a better understanding of what stocks might be a good buy for short term, long term and dividends."
    I am new to stock investments
    I am retired
  • "I make choices based on a number of information sources, and usually use Stockchase before the final choice."
    I am an individual that switched to Qtrade and now I make my own decisions on investments.
    A young investor
  • "I have done my own investing for 30 years. Stockchase aggregates and makes searchable one of my main sources of information: BNN. The rating of advisors is a useful tool for the premium."
    I’m retired and old investor

We’re the Stock Chasers!

Stockchase founder: Martin
Hello. We are Martin, Eric, Cody and a few others in the daily site development and publishing team. Many of the Stockchase editors are long-time Stockchase users.

Obviously, we chase for winning stocks.

We’re also the team working on Wealthica, the app that’s known as the Personal Capital for Canadians that allows you to see all your investments in one place.

We acquired Stockchase with the money from capital gains of stocks we bought on weakness. We missed buying a bunch of great tech stocks in their early days and wish we could have bought Amazon a decade ago.

Any question? Contact us!

Email us at or chat with us in real-time using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page


1100 René-Lévesque Blvd W 25th floor, Monteral, Quebec H3B 5C9, Canada +1 514-312-3229

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