Beat the market and make money investing in growth stocks
I’m teaming up with Stockchase and giving away my honest and engaging 72 rules on investing in stocks ebook.
― Robin R. SpezialeEnter your email to
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Here’s what this 70 pages ebook will teach you:

For the budding investor, these 72 Rules will hopefully be valuable information to help you get started in the stock market. And for the experienced investor, maybe there’s something new that you didn’t think about before, or at least that the rules validate how you’re already investing in the market
Who is Robin R. Speziale?
Robin Speziale is the author of the National Bestseller, Market Masters, featuring exclusive conversations with Canada’s top investors, as well as Capital Compounders and Lessons From the Successful Investor. Robin has been saving, investing, and building his portfolio since 18. He built a $300,000 Stock Portfolio before 30 (he shares his 72 investing rules in our ebook).
“The best of the best [business books] … explain how the writers think, which in turn explains how they invest. That’s why Market Masters is so engaging.”
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